Will You Help Me on This Question Concerning the Medication/drug Vicadin?
Question by THE BEST: will you help me on this question concerning the medication/drug Vicadin?
I know someone who had been addicted to cocaine for about 10 years….was clean for 2-3 years.. and now has admittted she is addicted to vicadins…….she has been off them 8 days. Has entered treatment at a clinic…..I’m curious if those are as bad as being addicted to cocaine, alcohol, cigarettes,…..etc.?
I know they probably aren’t as strong as some drugs, but her life has been affected by something lately, how does being addicted to a pain med affect you….how do you act? …I’ve seen w/drawal when people haven’t had a cigarette….drink….pot….but was curious what you do when you can’t get a painkiller….what does it do to a person…when they where maybe not even in pain……what’s the addiction to? how hard is it going to be for her to get off them?
Best answer:
Answer by dublebuble0
I dont know a whole lot about w/drawal from pain killers….but I do know that one visual side effect of being ON them is yellow rings around the eyes.
Answer by ohwonderboy
Your friend appears to have an addictive personality. I can tell you from experience that Vicodin is no where near as addictive as cocaine or some other drugs, however the individuals personality and and predisposition to becoming addicted to a chemical ultimately determines how they react when they don’t get it and how hard it will be to “get clean”. I don’t know the amount of Vicodin that your friend has been taking, I take them for chronic pain when it flares up. It does give me a relaxed slightly euphoric feeling and definate relief from the pain but I have never felt like I had to have more and more when the pain subsides, unlike the desire to continue consuming cocaine once started and the crash afterwards. The only side effect I have noticed is a slight grouchiness that lasts about 12-24 hours after stopping. Again this perons personality and recent stresses and the desire to stop will determine this persons success in quitting
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