Why Is Cocaine So Addicting?
Question by Carlos C: why is cocaine so addicting?
like one u take a bump like 14 mins later you want another one then 10 mins later you want another one
Best answer:
Answer by Supersirroux
The more u take the more u want… thats life my friend and the more u used it the more u need to get high…. so dont do drugs.
PS never think u in charge when it comes to drugs cause i thought so…….
Answer by ZeN25
Cocaine triggeres the brain’s neurotransmitter dopamine to increase. Dopamine is a neurotrasmitter that regulates a person’s behavior like motivation, sleep, mood, attention, and motor activity. It is also triggers our sadness and happiness. For example people who have low dopamine level are often depressed like countries in the west that’s why a lot of Americans are using Prozac while people in the east like the Philippines have high dopamine level so Prozac there is not often used. Another example is when your drinking coke. Its very addictive, why? Because coke has a very small amount of cocaine in its ingredients that’s why no matter how much you drink it, you simply go back for more.
The same is true with cocaine although you intake more. The more cocaine you take, the higher dopamine is in your body. So if your dopamine is very high you become hyperactive, laugh a lot without any reason, partial numbeness and often having hallucinations.
People that take too much cocaine sometimes kill everybody they come in contact with because the high dopamine level tricks the brain by visualizing that your a devil or something very fearful.
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