Why Do Some People Get Addicted to Cocaine, While Others Don’t?
Question by : Why do some people get addicted to cocaine, while others don’t?
In school, we’re learning about drugs in my health class. They said that cocaine can be a very addictive drug, yet sometimes, certain people don’t get addicted, no matter how much they use. Why is that? How come certain people can use cocaine and not get addicted, while others do get addicted?
**I have no intentions of using cocaine.
Thank you. :D
Best answer:
Answer by ?????
because its not physically addictive like heroin,to tell you the truth its VERY addicting to you,not to your body,as soon as its over you want more,you can just put it down when ever and not having withdrawal symptoms like heroin which are extreme pain,diarrhea,cold sweats!
Answer by agubna
The person ?????? who answered it very wrong. While Cocaine indeed isn’t PHYSICALLY addictive, that doesn’t mean you can’t have physical symptoms from withdrawal. I know this is off topic right now, but I don’t want this person feeding you false information. Heroin is physically addictive, which means it could cause permanent damage to your body even through the withdrawal. Cocaine won’t cause long term damage to your body through withdrawal, but you WILL still get things like nausea, cold sweats, you feel weak and tired and overall very very bad all over your body. This is because your brain craves the drug and it causes symptoms in your body. Because it’s coming from your brain, it’s not considered physically addictive to your body when going through a withdrawal. When you come off from using cocaine frequently, there WILL most definitely be a very very uncomfortable withdrawal lasting mainly for about 7 days before it starts to get better. And I don’t know what your teacher was teaching you, but Cocaine is most definitely mentally addicting for anyone who abuses it enough. Basically, if you really really like it, to the point where you can’t stop or you’ll go crazy, you’re addicted. And it can happen to anyone who abuses the substance. Hope I helped.
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