When Does Cocaine Usage Cause Paranoia?

Question by 911-119-999: When does cocaine usage cause paranoia?
When someone is using cocaine, how many months of usage would it take for him/her to be mentally affected?
For example:
Paranoia on a regular base

Best answer:

I hope this aswers your question,

Side Effects of Cocaine Use


Fast heartbeat and breathing and increases in blood pressure and body temperature
Erratic or violent behavior
Blurred vision, some on off paranoia,chest pain, Hallucinating,nausea, fever, muscle spasms, convulsions and death from convulsions, heart failure or brain failure

Long Term:

Dependence and depression
Feelings of restlessness, irritability, mood swings, paranoia, sleeplessness, and weight loss.
Emotional problems and isolation from family and friends
Psychosis, paranoia, depression, anxiety disorders, and delusions
Damage to the nose and inflamed nasal passages
Increased risk of hepatitis and HIV
Severe respiratory infections
Heart attacks, chest pain, respiratory failure, strokes, and abdominal pain and nausea

Warning signs of cocaine use:

Red, bloodshot eyes
A runny nose or frequently sniffing
A change in eating or sleeping patterns
A change in groups of friends
A change in behavior
Acting withdrawn, depressed, tired, or careless about personal appearance
Losing interest in school, family, or activities previously enjoyed
Frequently needing money


Cocaine is an “upper” (stimulant) that gives its user a false sense of limitless power and energy. When users come down, they are usually depressed, edgy, and craving more. No one can predict whether he or she will become dependent and addicted, or whether the next dose will be deadly.

Answer by FoamyRules
Months? Try hours or sometimes minutes !!! Hallucinations & more regular paranoia with “regular” or extreme use. I quit 3 years ago YAY!!

The person above is correct on ALL points.

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