Whats Happening to My Body Physically?
Question by live.love.laugh: Whats happening to my body physically?
I am a 19 year old female…i have been drinking regularly since i was 14, went from 2 times a week to now on average 6 times a week, not just drinking, but drinking till im drunk…which seems to be more and more…my tolerance is way to high it takes me ridiculous amounts to feel drunk…as of right now a mikki of liquor and 10 beers.or a bottle of wine and 6 to 10 beers,,,, if not more…my dad can’t even handle that.(i’m not proud). I used cocaine and ecstasy in large amounts daily for 3 years, i recently relapsed 3 weeks in a row with coke…which is my own stupidity. i go to college, work 2 jobs, do a placement, homework, take care of my brother and grandma, my dad is dying, my mom works constantly 3 jobs 7 days a week because we can’t afford our mortgage..i live in Toronto..if that makes a difference…but do you think there is damage done to my body, i have generalized anxiety disorder and depersonalization & derealization..due to my use of drugs an alcohol…what damage is done?
Best answer:
Answer by LadyLynn
Oh, Honey, you need help, and I know you know it. Can you go a day without alcohol? I didn’t think so. You’re an alcoholic, but you’re young enough that there’s probably no permanent liver damage, which is great!
You need rehab. I hear all the excuses…..School, babysitting, homework, etc, etc. Those are valid excuses, but getting clean comes first.Those other things WILL take care of themselves. If you don’t STOP now, at the age 19, you’re going to be an alcoholic your whole life. Now is the time to make the rest of your life wonderful, instead of hell.
You can go to AA for help, the health department, the reference desk at the library, or just start with your regular doctor. These are all ways to get you started on getting well. You have a disease. It’s just as if you had cancer. You’re sick, but there’s help available for you! I think seeing your regular doctor is probably the best way to handle this. S/He can make the arrangements for you. If you wait much longer, there WILL permanent damage to your liver, which will cause other diseases.
I think you asked this question for a reason. Deep down you’re scared, as well you should be. Get help now. Please. Love and Prayers for you Sweetie. Please do the right thing. Sincerely, Lynn
Answer by BethJ
First and foremost the use of alcohol and drugs “until you are drunk” kills brain cells and brain cells do not regenerate.
As for the rest of your body, you are destroying your liver (see cirrhosis of the liver), your kidney function will be damaged and you could go into kidney failure, your digestive tract can ulcerate and bleed, and these are just a few of the problems associated with alcohol abuse. After having been drinking this much for this long you will need help to stop. Withdrawal from alcohol is far from pleasant and can be harmful. The first thing you need to do is make an appointment with a psychologist or psychiatrist who can help you with this problem.
You are still young and need to stop NOW before this goes any further. You have already built up a huge tolerance to alcohol and drugs. This tolerance can lead to problems should you become ill and need surgery or need pain relief. It will take a lot more pain medication to keep you comfortable because of your tolerance, so if you did have to have surgery, chances are you would have a lot of pain to deal with unless someone was very aware of your problem.
I can hear that you have a lot of responsibility. But you are not going to be able to go on this way for long. You need to find someone that can help with the responsibility and get yourself in a treatment program while you are in the mood to ask this question. The fact you have come forward and asked, even though you did it in such a way so as to remain private, says that you know there is a problem. Admitting the problem is the first step toward correcting it. Please do not stop here. Think of those that do depend on you and go and get yourself help. This will mean a treatment program.
You will feel better once you get all of the artificial stimulants out of your system. What I am reading here tells me that you have been doing this since you were a child of 14. That means you have not experienced the real emotions that all teenagers have. You have a lot of catching up to do, and a lot of life to live. Please, please seek help before this goes any further.
Best wishes and prayers for a wonderful life.
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