What Problems Might Active Substance Abuse Present for a Person Who Has an Anxiety Disorder?
Question by greenfairy4ever: What problems might active substance abuse present for a person who has an anxiety disorder?
What problems might active substance abuse (i.e. alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, etc.) present for a client who has an anxiety disorder? What about for a client with schizophrenia?
Best answer:
Answer by HO HO HO
they’d increase the anxiety and paranoia.
Answer by modules
Well, these drugs can intesify anxiety. Until the person gets off of drugs, you’ll never be sure exactly what is causing the anxiety. Alot of ppl who smoke pot get paranoid!
Former cop is 'linchpin' of campaign to legalize marijuana
In Annapolis, he keeps his pitch to why the state should legalize marijuana: The substance is less harmful than alcohol and tobacco, he argues, but its underground marketplace drives violence and finances drug cartels. And the unfair enforcement — the …
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