What Happens When You Go to the Doctors About a Cocaine Addiction?
Question by Blondie: What happens when you go to the doctors about a cocaine addiction?
My boyfriend has been addicted to cocaine for a few years now. He is taking cocaine every weekend. I have been on at him for a while about it. He has now said he will go to the doctors about it as he does have a problem. I want to know what does the doctor do for you? We stay in Scotland, He works full time. Would he need to pay for help or what happens?
Best answer:
Answer by Dna
He will redirect him to a facility that specialized in addictions for rehab, he will also schedule regular counseling sessions where he can discuss how he is feeling without the cocaine etc, or the facility will schedule that, not sure.
Answer by TheAnswer84
Most likely scenario is that the doctor will recommend him to a treatment facility, depending on the severity he may be in inpatient (living at the facility) or outpatient( has to go to the facility every few days) drug tests will be taken at the intakes. Payment depends on whether your healthcare plan covers rehabilation service, which can be expensive
Discovery may pave way for cocaine addiction treatment
The research opens the door to a brand new direction for therapeutics to treat cocaine addiction. The National Institute of Drug Abuse reveal that nearly 1.4 million Americans meet criteria for dependence or abuse of cocaine. Lifestyle; 1/5; Dalje.com …
Read more on Dalje.com
Cocaine Users Enjoy Social Interactions Less
A study at the Psychiatric Hospital of the University of Zurich now suggests that cocaine users have social deficits because social contacts are less rewarding for them. Social skills should therefore be trained during the treatment of cocaine addiction.
Read more on Science Daily (press release)
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