What Happens if Someone Takes Too Much Cocaine?
by Renegade98
Question by ?: What happens if someone takes too much cocaine?
i know that they will die, but is there anything else that could happen to the person? or is death the only thing that can happen.
Best answer:
Answer by Hannah
serious health issues that kill you
Answer by Savannah Yutman
they die…
The High Life
For each person who dies from legal drug overdose, 10 more are so damaged that they require long-term abuse treatment, 32 more need emergency medical care, 130 more are drug-dependent, and 825 more are using them illegally. So each death represents …
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Jackson Bill Would Require Pharmaceutical Industry to Pay for Statewide Drug …
Nationally, the number of patients treated in emergency rooms for prescription drug overdoses doubled between 2004 and 2008, to 305,885, and death rates have risen astronomically since the late 1990s. Deaths from prescription painkillers are …
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The long war goes on and on
When, just over a month ago, the actor Philip Seymour Hoffman died of an overdose of heroin, cocaine and other substances he mixed at home, few condemned him for breaking the law. Instead, most treated him as a “victim” who, before meeting his end, had …
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