What Effects Does Long Term Cocaine Use Have on Itp?
Question by staci j: what effects does long term cocaine use have on itp?
first my brother was diagnosed with raynards disease (form of lupus) and i know he’s been using cocaine for some time and know he just suffered a severe nose bleed and wads admitted to the hospital and diagnose w/ itp and i beleive it’s related to his cocaine use
Best answer:
Answer by Jay T
Long-tem cocaine effects are noticeable as cocaine abuse continues and tolerance builds. Since cocaine is a highly addictive drug, it can lead to major medical complications and health problems. Some of the these complications include heart disease, heart attacks, respiratory failure, strokes, seizures, and gastrointestinal problems. Other physical symptoms include convulsions, nausea, blurred vision, chest pain, fever, muscle spasms, and coma.
As the habit of using cocaine becomes increasingly important, behavior such as lying, heating, stealing, absenteeism at work and denying the use of cocaine, is an evident side effect. While these behaviors are not directly related to the use of cocaine, these cocaine effects are often present due to the lifestyle of the addict.
Other long-term cocaine effects include:
Auditory hallucinations
Mood disturbances
With continued use, many cocaine addicts develop a higher tolerance for the drug over time. Addicts are also said to “chase the high”; meaning they continue to use cocaine seeking the feeling they felt the first time they used it. For people addicted to cocaine and cocaine effects, this high will never again be felt in the same way, and this addiction can lead to insanity and death.
Seek some help, there are many great rehab programs even for long term users.
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