What Does Crack Do to Your Skin if You Abuse It?
Question by : What does Crack do to your skin if you abuse it?
What does it do to your complexion and color?
I meant more like when you abuse the drug.
Sorry for my bad grammar.
Best answer:
Answer by Rishy
makes it bleed
Answer by Just wondering
Crack does a lot to you.. Makes you look really old, your cheeks sink in, your teeth rot out, very pale, dead looking. They get bad scabs from picking at their face, cracked and blistered lips because of how hot the pipe gets… That’s all I can think of in terms of physical facial appearance.
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Marci H.: Finding Recovery from Crack Addiction and Alcoholism in Malibu — http://www.MalibuBeachRecoveryCenter.com: On July 21, 2009 MBRC Counselor Ellery Holesapple waited for Marci outside the Alaska Air baggage claim at LAX. And…
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