What Do Drugs Do and Which Drug Is Easily Addictive?
Question by ladylibra: what do drugs do and which drug is easily addictive?
I obviously know medically what happens to you if you take drugs, but I mean which drugs make you tired or “happy” and which drug “needs” to be used once it’s in the body. This for my school assignment. Here the drugs:
Tell me how a person feels when they take them, and which one is easily addicted or most dangerous.
I know they are all addictive. But which one is the hardest to quit or which one affects the body more when you stop taking it.
Best answer:
Answer by shauns96eclipse
All the drugs on the list is addictive cocaine,meth speed u up gives u enerye if tired and dont really want to do anything then these two will get u going. For heroin,crack i dont know my freind was hooked on cocaine,meth he said only did it like twice and wanted it so bad.Now he messed up his life bad
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