What Are the Signs of Cocaine Addiction?
Question by Mera: What are the signs of cocaine addiction?
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Answer by Alex
It ?s v?r? l?k?l? th?t ?v?r? society, ?n ? ??rt??n time frame ?r period, h?s h?d mood-changing drugs/substance subject t? availability ?nd th?t th?r? h?v? ?lw??s b??n individuals wh? us? th?m ?n sort ?f ways th?t th? society d??s n?t accept. ?n th?s sense, substance dependence m??b? considered universal ?nd ? common ground ?n d?ff?r?nt cultures. ??w?v?r, substance abuse depends ?n th? laws ?f ? ??rt??n community. Attitudes ?r beliefs t?w?rds drugs ?r? ?ft?n inconsistent ?nd abstract. ??m? drugs ?r? completely outlawed wh?l? ?th?rs w?th s?m?l?r effects ?r? m?d? publicly ?v??l?bl? depending ?n th? approval ?f society.
Using s?m? substance repeatedly s?m?t?m?s lead t? dependency, ?n wh??h, ? dependent g?ts ? psychological belief th?t ? ??rt??n substance ?s n???ss?r? f?r h?s well b??ng. Dependence m?? vary ?n intensity form mild t? compulsive us? ?f th? substance. ?n ? mild case, ? person feels ?n inclination f?r ? ??rt??n drug ?r substance wh?r??s ?n ? compulsive case, ? person feels ? strong craving, longing, ?lm?st ? basic n??d f?r th? drug ?r substance. Severe dependence ?ff??ts greatly ?n th? attitude ?nd outlook ?f th? user; ?ft?n times, ?t r?sults ?n ? ??rt??n type ?f behavior considered taboo b? th? society. ? substance dependent ?ls? h?s ? v?r? high tendency t? relapse ?ft?r ? period ?f abstinence fr?m th? substance. ?nd s?n?? ? severe dependence ?n ay self-administered drug ?s n?t acceptable b? th? society, substance dependents ?r? ?ft?n encouraged, s?m?t?m?s ?v?n forced t? undergotreatment programs.
The term substance abuse h?s b??n defined ?n uncountable number ?f ways but m??nl?, ?t ?s ? behavioral pattern ?f consistent ?nd compulsive drug us? w?th ?n overwhelming involvement ?nd us? ?f th? drug. Substance abuse treatment centers ?n, ?n th? ?th?r hand, g?v?s ? substance dependent ? chance t? achieve sobriety (?ft?n long term) ?nd gradually remove th? habit fr?m th??r system. It’s n?t ?n overnight event; ?t ?s ? series ?f treatment th?t occurs ?n variety ?f ways ?r forms ?nd frequency f?r d?ff?r?nt lengths ?f time depending ?n h?w severe th? case ?s ?nd m?st importantly th? cooperation ?f th? involved ?n?s. Substance abuse treatment ?s ? long term process th?t requires regular monitoring.
Answer by Margaret K
Money shortages. Strange behavior. Periods of euphoria and impulsive behavior and poor judgment, and periods of paranoia, depression, anxiety or sadness. Problems with being responsible – problems as work, legal problems, problems getting along with friends and family. Missing deadlines, not paying bills, etc. Increasing lack of empathy for others, seeming to be more and more self-centered. Disappearing at times, being late, showing up in strange places, having strange friends that make you feel a bit uncomfortable. Paranoid delusions (my neighbor is messing with me, my boss is spying on me, my wife is having an affair). Insomnia. Weight loss. Loss of libido. Friends and family and coworkers expressing concerns. Irrational behavior. Impulsive behavior. Poor judgment. Difficulty concentrating. Restlessness and irritability. Stealing and Lying. Poor personal grooming. Pallor. Nosebleeds. Sweating. Tremors. Rages. Broken promises. Stalking behavior.
A cocaine addict can and will put cocaine first, and lose their job, their home, their wife, their kids, their friends — everything.
Don’t try to help one. You cannot help one. Only the addict can help himself. Don’t cover for them, lie to their boss, give them money, etc. If they share their problems with you, express your sympathy then share your own problems. Let them know you care, but you won’t carry.
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