What Are the Signs of Bipolar Disorder?

Question by ladyess01: what are the signs of bipolar disorder?

Best answer:

Answer by kissesandhugs36
sudden mood swings, fits of sever or moderate anger, depression, can’t concentrate, very over emotional, sorry when they have a fit and don’t remember what happend…it is a serious disorder, but can be easily treated if the person with the disorder wants to be treated…

Answer by a_shy_spirit
It’s important to distinguish between the three elements of this condition:

1. depressive symptoms
2. manic symptoms
3. the cycle of these moods

1. The symptoms of depression, which are covered in depth in our depression section, include low mood, sleep disturbance, loss of appetite, a sense of pessimism, hopelessness, reduced sexual drive, loss of interest or pleasure in life, reduced ability to concentrate and recurrent thoughts of death and suicide.

2. People in mania are often described as being like a tornado. They experience elevated moods or euphoria, increased activity, pressured fast speech, self-important ideas or grandiose delusions, hallucinations, reduced sleep, increased appetite for food and sex, overspending on a wild scale and all-night excesses.

3. These sets of symptoms occur in cycles , which comes in several varieties:

Mixed. It’s possible for a person to have many of the symptoms of mania, and also suffer from severely depressive thoughts. Especially if the person experiencing the mania has insight into what’s happening to them. Although the symptoms of mania can sound quite pleasant, it can also feel as though you’re losing control.

Cycles. Symptoms of mania can be followed by symptoms of depression in an almost regular pattern. These swings in mood can occur over a period of anything from days to months. Less commonly, some people may experience only depression or mania, but within a regular recurring pattern.

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