Trying to Recover From a Cocaine Addiction, Is My Friend Making It Worse?
Question by pokerface0925: Trying to recover from a cocaine addiction, is my friend making it worse?
I started using cocaine years ago, my best friend also uses cocaine (she started way before me though) we have been doing it together for a long time and I got very addicted. It’s to the point now where I have a love/hate relationship with the stuff. Mainly though I’m really tired of keeping this up and I dont want to do it anymore. I go a few days without then I do it again…and so on….but so far it has been one week (a long time for me, ok?) and I’m feeling great. The urge is going away and I’m loving it. BUT my best friend keeps getting some…and the kicker is. She tells her husband she’s buying it for ME. Now her husband is “worried about me” and she thinks it’s funny. She says it’s not hurting anyone but I’m really offended. I’m really hurt by all this but she seems to think it’s no big deal…what do u guys think?
Best answer:
Answer by Co-Co pops :)
Just say stay clean and keep away from people who are still on drugs.Come on your doing well.If you can stay off crack for a few weeks it can turn into forever.
Answer by mark n
She is making it harder for you to stay away from cocaine by involving you in her nonsense.
If i could give you any advice its to talk to someone who has been through the same stuff you are going through now.
I am an addict in recovery and I attend narcotics anonymous meetings. I am not saying you should or shouldn’t do this, but at least if you phone up the na helpline you can talk to somebody for five or ten minutes and get another persons input.
I hope this helps
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