Treatment or Jail: Patrick Kennedy Wages Fierce Anti-Pot Crusade
Treatment or Jail: Patrick Kennedy Wages Fierce Anti-Pot Crusade
He used to think of it as a funny episode, a collision of Camelot's cocaine kid and America's foremost opponent of illegal drug use. But Kennedy took his last hit of anything in 2009, and he's since honed an anti-drug message that sounds a bit like …
Invisible Epidemic: Prescription Drugs Cause Most Overdoses
And while drugs like heroin and cocaine have not gone away, it's "legal drugs" taking the deadliest toll in America. The C-D-C reports that 60 … Fortunately, all of three of them have now enjoyed long periods of sobriety and are working at Willingway …
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Suspect accused of executing Avondale couple arrested
He was ordered to get drug treatment and attend anger management classes. Thomas was then … Thomas was also arrested in Fayette County in August and charged with trafficking cocaine and marijuana, but the charges were later dismissed. Betty Thomas …
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