The Deal on Cocaine?
Question by kitty: the deal on Cocaine?
what are some of the causes and effects on the use of cocaine?
Best answer:
Answer by Noone i
First and foremost, cocaine is ungodly addictive. Make NO mistake, it is, regardless of what ANYONE tells you.
Secondly, cocaine depletes the chemicals the brain uses to stabilize your moods and can, and often does, cause depression.
Third, the more cocaine you use, the more your body needs to create the high. Its no longer a small snort to feel the buzz, it takes increasing amounts, more often, to even feel anything.
Fourth: cocaine is seductive. At first you dont see the fact you are becoming addicted and falling in love with it. There aren’t many side affects…at FIRST, to enjoying the high. Then, the more you do it, bit by bit, you find you are no longer in charge, and that coke is controlling you, and not you, it.
Cocaine is a dangerously addictive drug. Withdrawals from it are emotionally painful, if not done correctly terrible depression follows. However, continued use of cocaine wont prevent depression either, after a certain point. mind
Cocaine uses up, literally depleting the brain chemicals that help stabilize your moods, ie: the ones that help and cause you to feel emotionally stable. It soaks them up like a sponge and uses them to make you feel high, depleting them, faster and faster. The more coke you use, the more it depletes them until using coke will not prevent the depression you feel without it.
Make no mistake, cocaine has ruined many many thousands of lives, and cocaine dealers laugh all the way to the bank.
How do I know any of this, you ask? Because 27 yrs ago, cocaine ruined MY life. The worst part? I let it.
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