It's Not Time to End War on Drugs
It's not time to end war on drugs
The gateway drug is and always has been alcohol and even tobacco. I smoked … People who smoke and drink are something like twenty times more likely to use cocaine according to data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health… Continue reading
Miley Heartbroken by Liam Cheating OFTEN!? Zac Efron Mystery Girlfriend?! Young Hollywood Drug Use!?
Miley Heartbroken by Liam Cheating OFTEN!? Zac Efron Mystery Girlfriend?! Young Hollywood Drug Use!? — Liam Hemsworth and Miley Cyrus split over constant cheating? Zac Efron cocaine use/girlfriend in rehab? Justin Bieber, Rihanna, Lady Gaga promoting drugs in …
Opinion: Even Lady Gaga knows pot is not harmless
Contrary to… Continue reading
Is Prometa Effective? Watch a Patient Testimonial
Is Prometa effective? Watch a patient testimonial — The new addiction treatment is Prometa. The treatment is effective for meth, cocaine and alcohol dependents. Is Prometa effective? By targeting changes in br…
Actor's death shines a light on addiction
Actor's death shines a light on addiction. The death of Philip… Continue reading
Philip Seymour Hoffman and Sally Bercow: What Prompts a Fall Off the Wagon?
Philip Seymour Hoffman and Sally Bercow: What prompts a fall off the wagon?
Sherlock Holmes offered another version of that excuse, to explain his occasional lapses into cocaine use: "My mind… rebels at stagnation. … Found in his flat, according to reports, were clonidine and buprenorphine, two drugs used to… Continue reading
Police Can Have My Cellphone, Rob Ford Says
Police can have my cellphone, Rob Ford says
Mayor Rob Ford says Toronto police don't have to obtain a search warrant if they want to look through his phone records. "I will just give them my cellphone," Ford told the Toronto Sun's Joe Warmington on Tuesday. "They can take it."… Continue reading
The “War on Drugs” Is an Unmitigated Failure!!! [TheFilmArchives Mirror, Plus Intro]
The “War On Drugs” Is An Unmitigated Failure!!! [TheFilmArchives Mirror, Plus Intro] — Please watch the original video here: Original Description: The War on Drugs is a campaign of prohibition and fore…
Hoffman Took Out 00 Before Death, Sources Say
Law enforcement officials told NBC News on Monday that… Continue reading
Hoffman's Death Highlights Growing Trend of U.S. Heroin Use
Hoffman's death highlights growing trend of U.S. heroin use
From 2007 to 2012, the number of Americans getting high off heroin nearly doubled, from 373,000 to 669,000, according to the federal government's most recent National Survey on Drug Use and Health, released last fall. Every 19 minutes, someone in the… Continue reading
Recovering Cocaine Addiction?
Question by Christopher: Recovering cocaine addiction?
Im a recovering cocaine addict I have been 2 months. My current girlfriend knows about my addiction and has been totally understanding of my recovery. The cravings are still there so how can i get rid of them?
Best answer:
Answer by… Continue reading
Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers | How to Choose Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers in Arizona
Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers | How to Choose Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers in Arizona — Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers in Arizona – In this video, we discuss the basic components of any good drug rehab progra…
Pot Prohibitionists Can't Handle the Truth
And even if you… Continue reading