I Need Information on Weather Drug Addiction Is Inherieted or Is It Learned Behavior & the Difference Between?
Question by pookie: I need information on weather drug addiction is inherieted or is it learned behavior & the difference between?
Im doing a study on drug addiction and need to know whether it is inherited or passed down from generation to generation or do you learn to use… Continue reading
Cocaine Abuse: Causes and Effects of Youth Cocaine Abuse
One of the biggest problems professionals have to encounter when dealing with drug abuse patients is the phenomenon of youth cocaine addicts. Parents, grandparents, school teachers, and family friends, are actually the most intimate group of people whose sphere of attention a kid or a teenager has to… Continue reading
Addictive Cocaine: Depression and Cocaine Addiction – the Connection
Cocaine is a powerful and highly addictive substance. Many people wonder how addictive cocaine really is and if there is some form of treatment. The use of cocaine could be traced back to the ancient people, who evidently started using coca leaves (the source of cocaine) even during the ancient… Continue reading
What Alternative ADD Meds Are Recommended?
Question by Ethan R: What alternative ADD meds are recommended?
I’m 15 and Ive Been taking FocalinXR daily for about three months as an alternative to Ritalin, but it’s simply too weak. Even after raising the dose to 20mg it just doesn’t cut it. I don’t want to go… Continue reading
How Much Use of Cocaine Does It Take to Lower Your Dopamine Levels, and How Long Until They Return Back?
Question by Ray Smith: How much use of cocaine does it take to lower your dopamine levels, and how long until they return back?
How much use of cocaine will lower your dopamine levels (approximately), and once they are lowered how long approximately will it take for them to… Continue reading