these drugs

I Have Red Blotches Caused by Legal Amphetamines?

Question by driispy: I have red blotches caused by legal amphetamines?
basically i took some legal stimulants on saturday! come sunday morning red blotches started appearing on my skin! i know its caused by veins being burst under my skin but cananyone tell me more about why this happened… Continue reading

How Can These Drugs Ruin Your Life?

Question by Scotty B: How can these drugs ruin your life?
I know for a fact from the show intervention that heroine,crystal meth,crack cocaine,alcohol and pain killers like oxycontin and vicodins can easily ruin your life. I have seen it all the time on there. But how can marijuana,hallucinogenic… Continue reading

Hey, Which Drugs Are the Worst?

Question by mackie: Hey, which drugs are the worst?
ok, list these from most harmful to least harmful, as in possibility or death and/or dependancy


also, for alcohol, ecstasy and marijuana, can you just write a little bit about the “worst that could… Continue reading