these drugs

How to Get High Off Of?

Question by [email protected]: How to get high off of?
Ok, so I’m wondering what stuff I can get UNDER 18 years of age to get high. I don’t want weed or hard drugs like cocaine. Like cough medicine or something like that. Tell me the product and how… Continue reading

Physical Signs of Crystal Meth and Crack Cocaine Use.?

Question by CyndiLauperfan: Physical signs of Crystal meth and crack cocaine use.?
I already know about rotting teeth, anorexia, loss of interest and pronounced mobility. What I am looking for are other more subtle symptoms. Particularly teeth grinding. I suspect that the mouth dragging to one side might be a… Continue reading

Obama at Odds With Drug Czar Over Dangers of Pot

Obama at odds with drug czar over dangers of pot
Recent comments President Obama had made that marijuana use is “no more dangerous than alcohol” are in complete opposition with the opinion of his own hand-picked drug czar. In an interview with The New Yorker, Obama said: “As has been… Continue reading

What Are the Effects of Heroin and Cocaine Addiction?

Question by Lottie Wressell: What are the effects of heroin and cocaine addiction?
And what are the withdrawal symptoms?

Best answer:

Answer by 4NICK8;_ylt=Akh0yzcvrzJqPL51aM5l7c0v53NG;_ylv=3?qid=20110923092027AAGQDPS

I just answered a question similar to this. Please check that out. If you need more, feel free to email.

Answer by Darby Crash
Im… Continue reading

BC Judge Rejects 1 Year Minimum Drug Sentences

BC judge rejects 1 year minimum drug sentences
In September of last year, the provincial court judge convicted Vancouver resident Joseph Ryan Lloyd on three counts of trafficking two grams of crack cocaine, six grams of methamphetamine and a half gram of heroin. It wasn't Lloyd's … Judge says law… Continue reading

Cocaine Isn’t Addictive to Everyone?

Question by Nate T: Cocaine isn’t addictive to everyone?
Right now I am comming off of Cocaine. I have done it on average of twice a year in the last 6 years I am 24. I have never felt addicted to the drug. I usually dont really want to… Continue reading

What Exactly Are the Dangers of Cocaine?

Question by mrzwink: What exactly are the dangers of Cocaine?
plz inform me about cocaine:

about what cocaine does the the brain and body?
how well is it tolerated, and how long does it remain?
what the effects are of longtime use?
combinations with other drugs? (alcohol, mdma, amphetamines?)… Continue reading

Cocaine Addiction: End Your Cocaine Addiction


Cocaine Addiction: End Your Cocaine Addiction – Prokopton wrote: You cannot “think” or “group support” your way out of addiction because physiology is a strong component of subst…


Ending prescription drug abuse

Filed under: cocaine abuse help

But a lot of these drugs are like cocaine and… Continue reading

Please Help Me Im So Addicted!?

Question by Jazzy: Please help me im so addicted!?
Hey im 16, and well im so into drugs i dont know what to do.
Just in the last year, its gone from weed, to cigarettes, cutting, prescription drugs (painkillers, valium, citalopram, morphine patches) Ecstacy, a bottle of vodka a… Continue reading