the united

Who Is the Youngest Cocaine Addict in the United States or World?

Question by firstnamegodthetus: who is the youngest cocaine addict in the united states or world?

Best answer:

Answer by BluRey
the seedling of the coca plant.-blurey

Answer by Antigone
There are babies born every day who are addicted to cocaine because their mothers used the drug while… Continue reading

Namibian Nabbed With Huge Stash of Cocaine – Republica

Namibian nabbed with huge stash of cocaine – Republica

Namibian nabbed with huge stash of cocaine
Raymond Jungu Opel, who swallowed 157 cocaine capsules before boarding a Kathmandu-bound plane from Brazil, was arrested by police at Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA) on February 18. He was made public at a… Continue reading

New Project Life: Animals Themed Cards 40 Pack

New Project Life: Animals Themed Cards 40 Pack — This pack is only available at Micheal’s right now. PL Winter 2014 Preorder:…

Drug drop draws 200 pounds of dope a year: Prescription drop off box available
The FDA reports the new formula poses a higher likelihood of overdose… Continue reading

Are Painkillers More Addictive Than Cocaine?

Question by kaylee: Are painkillers more addictive than cocaine?
what are the difference in the withdrawls and which is more additive? thank you!

Best answer:

Answer by bobby
I would say painkillers are more addictive just cause there a lot easier to get an there 1/10 the price… Continue reading

Prescription Drug Overdoses: An American Epidemic

Prescription Drug Overdoses: An American Epidemic — The United States is in the grip of an epidemic of prescription drug overdoses. Over 27000 people died from overdoses in 2007, a number that has risen five-…

New York man arrested amid Philip Seymour Hoffman death probe seeks
NEW YORK —… Continue reading

Can Anyone Help Me With After Effects of Cocaine Use/pre Existing Mental Problem?

Question by sunny: can anyone help me with after effects of cocaine use/pre existing mental problem?
Is there anyone out there that can offer any advice on the above…
I’m very worried about my boyfriend of 5 years, we live together (we’re 27) we are very very happy… Continue reading

Yaroshenko Lawyer Threatens Action Against US Prison Authorities

Yaroshenko Lawyer Threatens Action Against US Prison Authorities
NEW YORK, February 18 (RIA Novosti) – The defense for an ailing Russian pilot imprisoned in the United States are threatening to sue US penitentiary authorities over the quality of his medical treatment. Konstantin Yaroshenko is … The Russian pilot …
Read… Continue reading

US Agrees to Medical Checkup for Sick Jailed Russian Pilot After Diplomatic

US agrees to medical checkup for sick jailed Russian pilot after diplomatic
In September 2011, he was found guilty of conspiring to smuggle cocaine into the US and sentenced to 20 years behind bars. The United … She is “shocked” at the lack of medical treatment – even in… Continue reading