the addiction

Homeless Interview: Emotional Interview With a Homeless Man Addicted to Morphine


Homeless Interview: Emotional Interview with a Homeless Man Addicted to Morphine – LIKE US ON FACEBOOK Homeless Interview with a homeless alcoholic man addicted to drugs. Peter has been living homeless on the street for 20 years due to his addictions to drugs and alcohol. He became addicted… Continue reading

Drugs How Many Kinds Are There?

Question by emm99: drugs how many kinds are there?
How many different kinds of drugs are there?

Best answer:

Answer by Je t’aime
?Common Drug Types
There are many different types of drugs you should be aware of. Some are prescribed, others are known as club drugs, illicit or… Continue reading

Recovering Cocaine Addicts: Do We Learn From Our Addiction Mistakes?

There is an old thought that eludes to the concept that we learn the most from the mistakes which cost us the most. Usually most people perceive this as monetary cost, however many of us take it also as emotional costs. Not only will addiction take monetary tolls on our… Continue reading

Overcome Cocaine Addiction: Overcoming Cocaine Addiction

Overcoming cocaine addiction can be very tough; cocaine is a highly addictive and potent stimulant that can ruin lives, relationships and careers. It is also one of the most commonly abused drugs and is often called “snow”. People often experiment with cocaine and barely realise how addictive the substance can… Continue reading

Symptoms of Cocaine Addicts: Finding Help for Your Cocaine Addiction

Cocaine is highly addictive. Most people think that it is not possible to become addicted to cocaine. People think this is impossible because cocaine use does not come with the same symptoms of withdrawal that other drugs like heroin or methamphetamine have. Instead, the addiction to cocaine is psychological. There… Continue reading

Is Pill Addiction That Same as Coke Addiction?

Question by Follow-the-narrow-gate: Is pill addiction that same as coke addiction?
I am a recovering pill addict and alcoholic. Sometimes I feel that my adderall, hydrocodone and whatever pill it may be is not as bad as an addiction as others.

I always think that because I… Continue reading

Long Term Effects of Cocaine Use: Effects of a Cocaine Addiction

Cocaine addiction is a serious problem that can cause short term and long term adverse, even irreversible effects on the body. The powerfully addictive stimulant affects the entire body, from the brain, the heart, lungs, and the entire central nervous system. Whether it’s snorted in powder form or smoked in… Continue reading

Symptoms of Cocaine Addicts: Identifying a Cocaine User – Tell Tale Signs Your Loved One Is Addicted

If an individual suspects that somebody close to him is taking cocaine or if the person is concerned regarding the withdrawal signs when attempting to remove this habit, he would want to know the most common symptoms related to the usage of this drug. It is essential that you are… Continue reading

Addictiveness of Cocaine: 7 Signs You Might Have an Addiction to Cocaine

Spotting a cocaine abuser or addict

Cocaine is not selective as it affects people from all walks of life regardless of their age, economic status, ethnicity, gender, and religion. Its popularity is derived from the quick high that a person attains when they inject or snort it. Unfortunately for the… Continue reading

Coke Addict: Cocaine Abuse – Fact, Fiction and the Truth

Cocaine, blow, white powder or snow is a derivative made from coca leaves, is used to addict and take money from the rich and poor. What can you do to help another break their coke addiction and regain their lives? This is how to get through to someone… Continue reading