There’s No Doubt Cannabis Has Medicinal Properties but Why Don’t Some People Admit This?
Question by myillusoryentity: There’s no doubt cannabis has medicinal properties but why don’t some people admit this?
Yes, cannabis has medicinal properties and there are people out there that use cannabis to help them. However, why don’t I see people out there admitting that they use cannabis as a… Continue reading
Why Do People Who Abuse Methamphetamine Lose Their Teeth?
Question by : Why do people who abuse methamphetamine lose their teeth?
I do not use meth at all or anything like it but I know people who have in the past and they ALL lost their teeth and wear dentures, is it because of the meth or is it… Continue reading
Hey, Which Drugs Are the Worst?
Question by mackie: Hey, which drugs are the worst?
ok, list these from most harmful to least harmful, as in possibility or death and/or dependancy
also, for alcohol, ecstasy and marijuana, can you just write a little bit about the “worst that could… Continue reading
What Are the Symptoms of Cocaine Use?
Question by lacypeterson789: what are the symptoms of cocaine use?
My friend thinks her sister is using cocaine, she asked me if i “saw the signs” too. I have no idea what to look for in physical/emotional qualities. are there “stages”? please tell me all you know
Best answer:… Continue reading
7 Symptoms of Cocaine Use: Symptoms of Cocaine Use – Catch It Early
The key to determining if you or someone you love is hooked on cocaine is to be aware of the symptoms and catch it early. The problem besetting any change is the realization of the need to change. We will look at the short term symptoms and also longer term… Continue reading
I Think My Girlfriend May Be Becoming a Cocaine Addict, Advice?
Question by : I think my girlfriend may be becoming a cocaine addict, advice?
I’ve been with my girlfriend for 5 years now, our life was going well, we were planning moving out together and starting a family, marriage. We were growing up (we’re 23 by the way, both of… Continue reading
Signs and Symptoms of Cocaine: Cocaine Warning Signs
This is another in a series of articles outlining the symptoms and signs of abuse of and addiction to various dangerous drugs, both legal and illegal.
First, a little about cocaine:
Cocaine abuse and cocaine addiction is not a new problem in most of the world. Cocaine was first used… Continue reading
Cocaine Use: Symptoms of Cocaine Use
The key to determining if someone you love or know has a cocaine problem is to be aware of the symptoms of cocaine use. Usually the key to someone who is addicted (or “dependent” if you prefer to be politically correct) getting the help they need to recover,… Continue reading
Cocaine Symptoms: Effects of Cocaine Use, Abuse, and Withdrawal Symptoms
About 14% of the adult population in the United States has admitted to using cocaine, a powerful stimulant that can either be smoked or inhaled to produce an instantaneous high. The high, which plays upon the brain’s neurotransmitters makes users feel extremely happy, energetic, but can also make them irritable,… Continue reading
Signs and Symptoms of Cocaine: Signs of Cocaine Use – What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Cocaine Use?
Cocaine (aka coke, crack, snow, blow) is an addiction that can occur very quickly and be a very difficult habit to break. There have been animal studies, which have shown that animals will work very hard, such as pressing a bar over 10,000 times, after a single injection of cocaine.… Continue reading