What Does a Person Using Cocaine Look Like Under the Influence of the Drug?
Question by : What does a person using cocaine look like under the influence of the drug?
For example, how do they act, behave, feel, and look?
Best answer:
Answer by Cooking a Backup Account
Jittery, sketchy, twitchy. Jaw grinding and nose rubbing/sniffing are a pretty strong sign as well.… Continue reading
On Marriage and Meth: After Decades of Use, Twin Falls Couple Finds Clarity
On Marriage and Meth: After decades of use, Twin Falls couple finds clarity
Smoking meth also releases a massive amount of dopamine in the brain, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. When lovers are separated, they often go through the same symptoms as heroin or cocaine withdrawal,… Continue reading
Is Marijuana as Safe as — or Safer Than — Alcohol?
Is marijuana as safe as — or safer than — alcohol?
Marijuana, on the other hand, is classified by the Drug Enforcement Agency as a Schedule 1 substance — the same category as heroin, LSD and Ecstasy — and is illegal in almost all states for recreational use. As such,… Continue reading
Man Claims Mother's Ill Health Drove Him to Import Cocaine
Man claims mother's ill health drove him to import cocaine
The magistrate adopted this starting point, observing that the effects of cocaine importation on society are corrosive and far-reaching. Sentences must be severe to denounce this type of crime and deter like-minded individuals, he said. From the 15 …
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Crack Pipe Vending Machines Slammed by Feds
Crack Pipe Vending Machines Slammed By Feds
“While the NDP and Liberals would prefer that doctors hand out heroin and needles to those suffering from addiction, this government supports treatment that ends drug use, including limiting access to drug paraphernalia by young people.” Mark Townsend …
Read more on Huffington Post… Continue reading
Recognizing Alcohol & Drug Addiction : Physical Signs of Addiction
Recognizing Alcohol & Drug Addiction : Physical Signs of Addiction — Discover the physical signs of alcohol addiction in this free home health video. Expert: rivrsurvivor Bio: John DePalma, born and raised in, Queens, NY, has …
Mark Brunell: NFL needs to crack down on marijuana
The NFL should prohibit… Continue reading
How Can You Tell if Someone if High Off Cocaine?
Question by svetlana: How can you tell if someone if high off cocaine?
In class?
Best answer:
Answer by Sophia
I doubt someone in your class is high on cocaine. Maybe weed. But not cocaine, lol.
Answer by PacCon
igns and symptoms of… Continue reading
As Valentine's Day Approaches, a Look at Love
As Valentine's Day approaches, a look at love
Addictive drugs like cocaine have been found to mimic these dopamine levels. When dopamine levels … Known as “stress cardiomyopathy,” this condition often presents with the symptoms of a heart attack after a major stressor. … While a typical heart …
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Heroin Addiction Strikes High and Low, and the Socially Disadvantaged 'Junkies …
Heroin addiction strikes high and low, and the socially disadvantaged 'junkies …
For many that relationship becomes all-consuming with a range of harmful consequences, including impact on family, friends and colleagues, none of which deter continued use. Not everyone chooses the same drug. People tend to be attracted to one… Continue reading
SERIOUS Question. What Are Some Signs of Drug Use??
Question by 2hott: SERIOUS question. What are some signs of drug use??
Serious replies please!!
Let me stress…well hidden drug use?
possible crack
or crystalized meth rocks
Thanks, although my cousin hasn’t admitted it, I printed him off some stuff about the dangers of crack. He got mad….I told him… Continue reading