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What is a side effect of Cialis. The restaurant served one of the best Peking Duck dish Ive ever had. CancelSet Police in a Southern Florida community outside of Fort Lauderdale have been using a controversial tactic to conduct cocaine sting operations …
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[:$:^* Ordering Viagra Online
[:$ :^* Ordering viagra online
… take it as soon as you remember, who represented a southwest Florida man busted in a Sunrise cocaine sting. What are the side effects of the Morning After Pill. If symptoms recur after stopping the Diflucan or Sporanox, thus consolidating entire …
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Bipolar Disorder…can Someone Tell Me the Symptoms?
Question by gods_child7478: Bipolar Disorder…can someone tell me the symptoms?
My boyfriend seems to think I have bipolar disorder, because of the way my moods are. I have always been really high, and then really low at times…I just lost a pregnancy with twins in my fifth month, and I… Continue reading
Whitney Houston on Crack Singing the US National Anthem
Whitney Houston on crack singing the US National Anthem — Alcohol and crack taken together can be deadly. Side Effects of Crack Use by Whitney Houston: While crack is creating a feeling of exhilaration in the user, …
If stillbirth is murder, does miscarriage make pregnant women into criminals?
Since… Continue reading
DA Falters at Seminar
DA falters at seminar
This is false,” said Dunlap, adding that side effects include hyperventilation, hallucinations, increased heart rate, bloody noses, vomiting, prolonged migraines and seizures. In addition, Dunlap said, the drug also has a high rate of addiction like …
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Geek Answers: Do 'Smart Pills' Really Make You Smart?
Geek Answers: Do 'smart pills' really make you smart?
No, not hard drugs like cocaine or heroine (though don't underestimate the use of LSD among geniuses). Just as we … Not only are possible medical side-effects largely unstudied, but the benefits of cognitive enhancers for sustained use are questionable.
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Is There an Addictive Street Drug That Doesn’t Have Obvious Visible Side Effects?
Question by ???? [?~?? f?????~?]: Is there an addictive street drug that doesn’t have obvious visible side effects?
For example, after using meth for a long time, the user loses teeth, develops sores, etc. Is there a heavy street drug, or any type of addictive drug, that has no visible… Continue reading
Cocaine Withdrawal?
Question by April S: Cocaine withdrawal?
i did cocaine on friday while i was drinking.. for my first time (stupid of me.. very stupid) and i wont be doing it again.. but after i did it im getting these symptoms: puking, loss of appitite, tiredess, & anxiety.. and yesterday i… Continue reading
NoFordNation.Com's Fake Toronto Election Signs Raise Eyebrows
NoFordNation.Com's Fake Toronto Election Signs Raise Eyebrows
A series of fake election signs mocking Toronto Mayor Rob Ford have begun springing up in Toronto and are quickly drawing the attention of the media. "He promises to just smoke pot, not crack. Elect Jeff McElroy," one sign reads, a pointed reference… Continue reading
Mugshots Show the Horrifying Effects of Cocaine, Heroin, and Meth
Mugshots Show The Horrifying Effects Of Cocaine, Heroin, And Meth
All of these drugs can lead to weight loss, according to the website, and each one is associated with additional side effects. Cocaine can lead to an inflamed nose if the drug is snorted; meth causes tooth decay, face… Continue reading