Food Trucks: Council Adopts New Rules but With Some Restrictions
Food trucks: Council adopts new rules but with some restrictions
The widespread use of a common weed killer has led to runoff. Atrazine can end up in lakes, streams and sometimes in … Toronto Mayor Rob Ford was “going mad” amid reports he was filmed smoking crack cocaine, according to… Continue reading
The X Factor’s Demi Lovato Opens Up About Cocaine Addiction: “I Used to Bring It on Airplanes”
The X Factor’s Demi Lovato Opens Up About Cocaine Addiction: “I Used to Bring it on Airplanes” — – Get the hottest scoop on your favorite stars, TV shows, movies, and more! – ‘Like’ us and join…
John Tory code of conduct targets Rob Ford
Tory signed a… Continue reading
Long Term Effects of Cocaine?
Question by ##: Long term effects of cocaine?
my friend who is turning 21 this year, did coke when he was 19 whilst living in another city for a couple months. he didn’t get addicted to it, but he partied a lot with it… along with ecstasy… Continue reading
Embattled Hoops Star Lectures on Addiction
Embattled hoops star lectures on addiction
Herren had tried the painkiller at a party that summer and was instantly hooked, but when he later took a deal with a team in Italy, he began replacing Oxycontin with heroin. The little yellow Oxycontin pill that Herren said he so easily purchased… Continue reading
Dr. Scott Lukas, Ph.D.
Dr. Scott Lukas, Ph.D. — SECURE XV- Understanding and Preventing Adolescent Substance Abuse Dr. Scott Lukas will present a compelling address about underage illegal substance use, fo…
After barrage of Rob Ford mockery, Jimmy Kimmel urges Toronto mayor to quit …
In the months since, Mr. Kimmel's monologues have been… Continue reading
The Greatest Couple Ever — Blondie and New York City
The Greatest Couple Ever — Blondie and New York City
But many look back with cocaine-laced nostalgia to that era. All members of … Cher apparently advised Selena, "Use the music to guard your spirit." Well, it's … Democrats and their pundits better wake up and pay attention to the… Continue reading
Are There Signs That Someone Used Cocaine Recently?
Question by Ricky Ticky Tabby: Are there signs that someone used cocaine recently?
My friend is recovering from cocaine addiction but relapses ever so ofter. Is there anyway other than a drug test to tell if he’s recently snorted(or taken any other way). Anything such as pupil size,… Continue reading
NoFordNation.Com's Fake Toronto Election Signs Raise Eyebrows
NoFordNation.Com's Fake Toronto Election Signs Raise Eyebrows
A series of fake election signs mocking Toronto Mayor Rob Ford have begun springing up in Toronto and are quickly drawing the attention of the media. "He promises to just smoke pot, not crack. Elect Jeff McElroy," one sign reads, a pointed reference… Continue reading
Police and Fire Reports From the Feb. 27 Edition of the Sun
Police and fire reports from the Feb. 27 edition of The Sun
The driver was found to be in possession of a knife and a quantity of suspected cocaine. Police said that he exhibited signs of impairment, appearing to be under the influence. He was taken into custody and a… Continue reading
Bolivian Man Arrested in Liquid Cocaine Seizure at Dublin Airport
Bolivian man arrested in liquid cocaine seizure at Dublin airport
A man has appeared in court after liquid cocaine worth almost €115,000 was seized at Dublin airport. Officers from … Officers suspected a 64-year-old Bolivian man who had arrived on a flight from Rio on Wednesday had ingested cocaine. He… Continue reading