rehab program

David Lee Edwards Won $27m Powerball Jackpot. a Decade Later He Died Broke

David Lee Edwards won m Powerball jackpot. A decade later he died broke
A few months later Shawna's mother asked the state to intervene and put her in involuntary care after dozens of rehab attempts had failed. In 2004 Edwards himself asked a judge to commit Shawna to a rehab… Continue reading

Doctors Are Top Source of Prescription Drugs for Chronic Abusers

Doctors are top source of prescription drugs for chronic abusers
The study, published Monday by the Journal of the American Medical Assn., echoes a 2012 Times investigation that found drugs prescribed by doctors caused or contributed to nearly half of the prescription overdose deaths in Southern California in recent …… Continue reading

Tylwalk Orders Three Into Longterm Rehab Program

Tylwalk orders three into longterm rehab program
Three people were ordered into a long-term drug rehabilitation program Wednesday by President Judge John Tylwalk. They will spend 22 months in the Renaissance Crossroads program, located the Lebanon VA Medical Center, followed by a year of …
Read more on Lebanon… Continue reading

Rehab for Substance Abuse?

Question by dngruslitl1: Rehab for Substance Abuse?
Anyone ever been? What type is the best for Detox? Hospital?

Best answer:

Answer by colera667
depends on the substance. if you are doing cocaine, meth., or anything along those lines and you can not stop doing them then go… Continue reading

What Effects Does Long Term Cocaine Use Have on Itp?

Question by staci j: what effects does long term cocaine use have on itp?

first my brother was diagnosed with raynards disease (form of lupus) and i know he’s been using cocaine for some time and know he just suffered a severe nose bleed and wads admitted to… Continue reading

Need Help? Cocaine/rehab?

Question by vogueexx: need help? cocaine/rehab?
okay if someone had a coke problem&&spent a year in rehab then they were clean for about 6 months&&fell into a relapse one night, would it be necessary for them to go back to rehab? is it realistic that they realized their… Continue reading

Is My Boyfriend on Cocaine?

Question by na_808: Is my boyfriend on cocaine?
i ask him if he ever did cocaine before and he said yeah and that he was addicted but he also said that he was going to stop for me and its been a month so im wondering how… Continue reading

Alcohol Treatment Rehab – Prominence Treatment Center


Alcohol Treatment Rehab – Prominence Treatment Center – Learn how the Prominence alcohol treatment rehab ( ) is so different from others and how our non-12 ste…


Colombia: First Nation to Offer On-site Drug Testing

Filed under: cocaine rehab centers

Currently, seven countries offer illegal drug testing,… Continue reading

SpaceX Reusable Grasshopper Rocket Hits Another Milestone


SpaceX Reusable Grasshopper Rocket Hits Another Milestone – The rocket launched, hovered at more than 1000 feet, then landed upright back on the launch pad.


Police patrols attempt to tackle town's prostitution

Filed under: treat cocaine addiction

Many of the women have issues with drugs or alcohol and… Continue reading

Obama Not ‘Scrambling Any Jets’ to Get Snowden


Obama Not ‘Scrambling Any Jets’ to Get Snowden


Center of Hope thrift stores fund addiction treatment for the broken

Filed under: treat cocaine addiction

It is one of the area's largest faith-based rehab programs, currently treating 230 men and women for a variety of addictions. … But… Continue reading