Cocaine Effects on the Body (What Happens When Your High)?
Question by Brittany b: Cocaine effects on the body (what happens when your high)?
What does it do to the body when in use?
Best answer:
Answer by angelbaby
Basically, cocaine overworks your body and brain. It sends the body into overdrive – boosting your heart rate, blood… Continue reading
Is Anyone Familiar With Ibogaine as a Treatment for Drug Addiction?
Question by salinger: Is anyone familiar with Ibogaine as a treatment for drug addiction?
My best friend is in a reputable drug rehab for a cocaine addiction and is wanting to leave to check herself into a rehab in Mexico that uses Ibogaine.
Best answer:
Answer by G. B.
Yeah,… Continue reading
Crackdown on Drug Use in Plymouth's Clubland
Crackdown on drug use in Plymouth's clubland
Police say that in recent weeks they have found people in these areas with a range of recreational drugs including the horse tranquiliser ketamine and cannabis, alongside the more usual party drugs of cocaine and amphetamine. A police spokesman said: …
Read more on… Continue reading
University of Ottawa Has Its Issues, but Rape Culture Isn't One of Them
University of Ottawa Has Its Issues, But Rape Culture Isn't One of Them
Rob Ford smoked crack cocaine, battled alcohol abuse (all while in office) and has a brother (also a city Councillor) who is probably better suited to be a pro-wrestling manager. Nobody is saying that Toronto has a… Continue reading
Cocaine Addiction?
Question by Kristen: cocaine addiction?
ok after months of denial i’ve come to admit that i have an addiction to cocaine. i’ve tried stopping by myself but the withdrawals just get so bad to the point where i break down and cry and end up having a… Continue reading
Does Hypnotherapy n.l.p. Help With Substance Addiction?
Question by crispian2005: does hypnotherapy n.l.p. help with substance addiction?
i suffer from a deficit of will.
Best answer:
Answer by shaneris2
I doubt it, even if you are highly suggestible. Those addiction tendencies will resurface, possibly under another guise, such as gambling, or sex addiction. (1) Detox. (2) Rehab.… Continue reading
How Addictive Is Cocaine?
Question by stillcole: How addictive is cocaine?
Best answer:
Answer by Miz T.M.I
WTF?? Why do you wanna know that? It’s as addictive as a bee being addicted to pollen….only it’s cocaine. (I can’t believe I just answered this question…)
Answer by just what we think
Actually its not a… Continue reading
Substance Abuse: Cocaine (MMV)
Substance Abuse: Cocaine (MMV) — Okay this is another school project for HCE…. i know the thing flashes by too quick so you’ll just have to pause it… my bad special thnx to ScorchedRose …
The NFL does not test players for recreational drugs during the season
That's easy: For… Continue reading
My Daughter Is Addicted to Heroin?
Question by : My daughter is addicted to heroin?
Okay, I know that a few years ago she was doing cocaine. From my experimentation with cocaine and marijuana in my college years I know it’s not that addictive. So we let her do cocaine because we thought, well teenagers are… Continue reading