Prescription Painkillers Seen as Gateway to Heroin
Prescription painkillers seen as gateway to heroin
A mother who was a former cocaine and heroin addict tells us how drugs can take over your life. Cary Acevedo fought a … She says the withdrawal symptoms can be extremely severe, a feeling that you need the drug at that very… Continue reading
List of Bipolar Disorder Symptoms?
Question by Rebecca: List of Bipolar Disorder symptoms?
I just need a list of the symptoms of having bipolar disorder please. Will be a great help.
Best answer:
Answer by Hannah
Bipolar disorder is characterised by extreme mood swings. The mood swings can range from extreme highs (mania)… Continue reading
Deaths From Heroin in New London, Norwich Doubled in 2013
Deaths from heroin in New London, Norwich doubled in 2013
Jack Malone, executive director of the Southeastern Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence Inc., said the increase in those seeking treatment has a lot to do with the soaring rates of addiction to opioids – mostly prescription painkillers such as… Continue reading
Nigella’s Former PA ‘Found Signs of Regular Drug Use’
Nigella’s former PA ‘found signs of regular drug use’ — Elisabetta Grillo, a personal assistant accused of defrauding Nigella Lawson and Charles Saatchi, has told a court that she saw evidence of regular drug use …
US gov't agrees to urgently examine Konstantin Yaroshenko – Russian Foreign …
Yaroshenko was… Continue reading
How Long Do Cocaine Physical Effects Last?
Question by kakoii:): How long do cocaine physical effects last?
I heard that if you use cocaine you get purple lips; is that true?
If yes, about how long do they stay purple?
P.S. I’m not consuming any sort of drugs whatsoever so I can’t help but be curious :p… Continue reading
Re NL (A Child) (Appeal: Interim Care Order: Facts and Reasons) [2014] EWHC …
Re NL (A Child) (Appeal: Interim Care Order: Facts and Reasons) [2014] EWHC …
[5] The mother's evidence is that until she went to [a specialist treatment unit in the north of England] last August, she and the four older children were 'messaging' one another every day. Since then, she… Continue reading
Don't Overreact to Celebrity Drug Deaths
Don't overreact to celebrity drug deaths
Four out of five new heroin users had previously abused painkillers, according to the 2012 National Survey on Drug Abuse and Health. And as the number of heroin users increased in recent years, the survey found, use of prescription painkillers for …
Read more on… Continue reading
Molecular Mechanism That Causes Cocaine Addiction Found
Molecular mechanism that causes cocaine addiction found
Molecular mechanism that causes cocaine addiction found. quick bites. New York: Scientists have identified a new molecular mechanism by which cocaine alters the brain's reward circuits and causes addiction. 22 Jan 2014, 06:56 PM. Share · Share · Share.
Read more on Jagran… Continue reading
What’s Wrong With Weed, LSD…etc?
Question by Rae & Steven: What’s wrong with Weed, LSD…etc?
I have been brought up my entire life that drugs were bad. But recently upon entering college, I have tried canabis. It turns out that I really liked the feeling. I felt free and I got to this mental… Continue reading
Japanese TV Station Sued for Using English Words
Japanese TV Station Sued For Using English Words –
Iyanla Vanzant Explains How To Confront An Addict With Compassion (VIDEO)
Filed under: treat cocaine addiction
Depressants, opioids and antidepressants are responsible for more overdose deaths (45%) than cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine and amphetamines (39%) combined. … Only 1 in… Continue reading