Is Marijuana Addictive?
Question by : is marijuana addictive?
and should it be legalized?
and if it is addictive what causes this?
Best answer:
Answer by David L
Yes and yes.
Answer by ~Guitar Man~
there is nothing in marijuanna that cuases you to be addicted to it. any addiction would come psycologicly.… Continue reading
Recovering From Cocaine Addiction?
Question by tickleme27mj: Recovering from cocaine addiction?
My boyfriend is trying to stop using powder cocaine after years of use. I need to know what to expect from him. I have heard that I should expect mood swings, but what other things? Is there physical symtoms, too? He is complaining… Continue reading
What Causes Cocaine/alch Addicts to Lash Out?
Question by dior_84: what causes cocaine/alch addicts to lash out?
Has anyone expierienced being in a relationship with a cocaine addict who treats them well one minute then hates them the next? Why do they get so hot and cold?
Thanks :)
Best answer:
Answer by Sean
I… Continue reading
If I Try to Smoke Crack What R Some of the Symptoms ?
Question by Brandon H: if i try to smoke crack what r some of the symptoms ?
Best answer:
Answer by X. marK.
Cocaine is both a central nervous system stimulant and a topical anaesthetic. It is found in the leaves of the Erthroxylum coca plant. The traditional method of… Continue reading
Oxytocin, Love Hormone, Fuels Romance: How Your Brain Works When You're …
Oxytocin, Love Hormone, Fuels Romance: How Your Brain Works When You're …
While these signs are apparent to the naked eye, little is known about what happens to the brain when you fall in love. In a video, from the … Romantic relationships can lead to the addiction of a… Continue reading
Drug Abuse????? ??????? ???????
Drug Abuse????? ??????? ??????? — Drugs of AbuseBy Dr. Taghreed A. Ibrahim Associate Professor of Pharmacognosy Faculty of Pharmacy- King saud University What is drug abuse? The use, usually …
2013 crime stats released by Alton PD
Simmons, though, said heroin is becoming the “drug of choice” in the city,… Continue reading
Dickinson Man Arrested, Charged With Illegal Drug Possession
Dickinson man arrested, charged with illegal drug possession
Detectives said they recovered a total of twenty grams, just under an ounce of powder cocaine that was individually packed for sale, along with a scale and $ 500 cash. Perales has a previous arrest for manufacturing and delivery of a controlled… Continue reading
Help With Cocaine Addiction? Withdrawal Symptoms and Uni?
Question by Blair Waldorf: Help with cocaine addiction? Withdrawal symptoms and uni?
My friend is trying to get of it and he’s doing terrible since it’s the first week now he found out that he needs to re write an exam next week… Continue reading
Columbian Drug King Pleads Guilty to Importing Cocaine – New York Post
Columbian drug king pleads guilty to importing cocaine – New York Post
Columbian drug king pleads guilty to importing cocaine New York Post Yesid Rios Saurez, 46, copped a plea Tuesday in Manhattan federal court to conspiring with others to manufacture tens of thousands of kilograms of cocaine in clandestine… Continue reading |
15-Year-Old Accused of Dealing Cocaine – Indianapolis Star
15-year-old accused of dealing cocaine – Indianapolis Star
15-year-old accused of dealing cocaine Indianapolis Star A 15-year-old boy was arrested on charges of dealing cocaine and a 14-year-old boy was charged with resisting police after officers broke up a large group of teenagers fighting on 11th street. Police responded to… Continue reading |