How Long Would It Take Cocaine to Destroy Your Septum in Your Nose With Occasional Use?
Question by agubna: How long would it take Cocaine to destroy your Septum in your nose with occasional use?
I fear for one of my friends. He only does it about once a month or so, no more. But i’m just wondering how long it would actually take… Continue reading
In Lamoille County, Doing Time for Doing Drugs
In Lamoille County, doing time for doing drugs
Breyette is not alone in his desire to stay clean. Opiate addiction, and the related crimes it drives, has clogged Vermont's courts and jails. State officials are launching new initiatives aimed at keeping addicts out of jail and giving them the …… Continue reading
Opioid Addiction and Treatment?
Question by Kitty M: Opioid addiction and treatment?
I have been taking between 20 and 25 Lortab plus about 10 Soma’s a day for about four years. I am bi-polar with an established two year relationship with my psychiatrist. She knows about everything but my addiction. I have an appointment… Continue reading
"Recreational" Drug Use Like Playing Russian Roulette
"Recreational" Drug Use Like Playing Russian Roulette
Illicit drug abuse contributes $ 11 billion to health care costs, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. … Emergency physicians urge you to be on the lookout for warning signs if you suspect a loved one may be involved with illicit… Continue reading
Narconon Arrowhead Drug Rehab Success Connie
Narconon Arrowhead Drug Rehab Success Connie — Narconon Arrowhead Drug Rehab Success. This is a graduate testimonial from the very successful Narconon Arrowhead program which …
Philip Seymour Hoffman death: A cautionary tale about branded heroin? (+video)
For reasons that remain unclear, its rate of use has been growing… Continue reading
Are Drug Abusers Being Taken Care of Even After They Finish the Treatment Program?
Question by Tommy: Are drug abusers being taken care of even after they finish the treatment program?
I’m just curious about how things are after life in rehab. See, my friend Jack is about to finish his ten-week treatment program for his addiction with cocaine. I’m really happy… Continue reading
Signs and Symptoms of Cocaine Addiction
Signs and symptoms of cocaine addiction – Signs of cocaine addiction | Addiction Blog If you are exhibiting signs and symptoms o…
Proposed Fulton cuts could leave thousands without Grady's mental-health …
Filed under: signs and symptoms of cocaine addiction
The estranged mother was assaulted on the… Continue reading
Could Ritalin Treat Cocaine Addiction
Could Ritalin Treat Cocaine Addiction –
Food Methamphetamines Pleasure
Filed under: treat cocaine addiction
Research on rats has shown that sugar may be more addictive than cocaine. In the study, when rats were allowed to choose … Nonorganic potatoes are treated with an excess of fungicides and herbicides.… Continue reading
Rock ‘n’Roll and the Substance Abuse Epidemic
Rock ‘n’Roll and the Substance Abuse Epidemic – English 105.
Are you an accidental, over the counter opiate addict?
Filed under: living with a cocaine addict
They're just OTC medications, so no harm, these people reason – it's not like they're shooting up in the street, or… Continue reading
What Do You Think of My Article? HARMD More Harm Than Good?
Question by DynoDiKk: What do you think of my article? HARMD more harm than good?
Methadone and Harmd. Is Harmd doing more harm?
I am here to write my opinion on HARMD. This means; “Helping America Reduce Methadone Deaths”.
Although their intentions might be good or in their own… Continue reading