National Institute on Drug Abuse


And CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta explained, “There is clear evidence that in some people, marijuana use can lead to withdrawal symptoms, including insomnia, anxiety and nausea.” The National Institute on Drug Abuse added that the …

Super Bowl XLVIII: Hype Week Is… Continue reading

Dinner for Schmucks


Dinner for Schmucks – cocaine abuse, substance abuse, drug abuse, signs of cocaine abuse, crack abuse, drug abuse statistics, what is drug abuse, marijuana abuse, signs of drug ab…


Sexting and Slang: Detecting teens' risky secrets

Filed under: cocaine abuse signs

The National Institute on Drug Abuse's 2012… Continue reading

Rain, Lack of Attention and No Experience Are the Culprits for This Flip


Rain, lack of attention and no experience are the culprits for this flip – cocaine abuse, substance abuse, drug abuse, signs of cocaine abuse, crack abuse, drug abuse statistics, what is drug abuse, marijuana abuse, signs of drug ab…


Emily Miller: Obama 'the most rabidly anti-gun president in… Continue reading

Can Sex Be Addictive as Certain Drugs?

Question by Gayaa: Can sex be addictive as certain drugs?

Best answer:

Answer by pinkyismygirlfriendniluvhur
good sex?

even more than any drugs I have ever taken

What do you think? Answer below!



Internet addict tells how World of Warcraft gaming had become 'like crack

Filed under:… Continue reading

Heroin & Cocaine Addiction Solutions With PPO Insurance


Heroin & Cocaine Addiction Solutions with PPO Insurance – Call 877-929-9059 for more information. This is a free service and free call to PPO Health Insurance Members. Find out your plans benefit amount and where to…


Roulette machines: the crack cocaine of gambling

Filed under: cocaine addiction solutions… Continue reading

Cocaine Addiction


Cocaine Addiction – In a therapy session, the patient has a major cocaine addiction. *I do not support the use of cocaine and neither do my actors, this was shot over a year ago…


New Study could Provide Treatment Option for Cocaine Addiction

Filed under: cocaine abuse help… Continue reading

Cocaine Rehab Centers | Residential Treatment Facilities | Cocaine Rehab Centers


Cocaine Rehab Centers | Residential Treatment Facilities | Cocaine Rehab Centers – Cocaine Rehab Centers addresses dependency to alcohol, cocaine, prescribed drugs, heroin, & more with rehab methods, therapy, and sober facilities at Oklahoma rehab facilities. Call 877-281-6142 http


Charles sharing story of addiction, recovery

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Are Certain Types of Drugs Non-Addictive???!!!?

Question by Aboodz: Are certain types of drugs non-Addictive???!!!?
One crazy friend of mine said that drug dealers tend to start giving clients good material thats non-addictive. And by time, and one step at a time, they start givin them stronger s*** (ones that makes you addictive).

Is that… Continue reading

Marijuana vs. Tobacco Health Issues?

Question by Asdfasd F: Marijuana vs. Tobacco health issues?
This is for my wellness class and i need to make a poster about the side effects of both.

they can be GOOD or BAD side effects, my teacher is very open minded, she just wants us to know the… Continue reading

OD vs. Substance Abuse?

Question by Gracyn: OD vs. Substance Abuse?
Does one overdose qualify as “substance abuse”? Would the hospital see it that way? Would the patient be turned down for ‘treatments’ such as dialysis?

Thank you. (I know dialysis isn’t a treatment)

Best answer:

Answer by boo ?
Well when you… Continue reading