Does Hypnotherapy n.l.p. Help With Substance Addiction?
Question by crispian2005: does hypnotherapy n.l.p. help with substance addiction?
i suffer from a deficit of will.
Best answer:
Answer by shaneris2
I doubt it, even if you are highly suggestible. Those addiction tendencies will resurface, possibly under another guise, such as gambling, or sex addiction. (1) Detox. (2) Rehab.… Continue reading
On Marriage and Meth: After Decades of Use, Twin Falls Couple Finds Clarity
On Marriage and Meth: After decades of use, Twin Falls couple finds clarity
Smoking meth also releases a massive amount of dopamine in the brain, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. When lovers are separated, they often go through the same symptoms as heroin or cocaine withdrawal,… Continue reading
"Recreational" Drug Use Like Playing Russian Roulette
"Recreational" Drug Use Like Playing Russian Roulette
Illicit drug abuse contributes $ 11 billion to health care costs, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. … Emergency physicians urge you to be on the lookout for warning signs if you suspect a loved one may be involved with illicit… Continue reading
Why Vancouver Has Crack Pipe Vending Machines
Why Vancouver Has Crack Pipe Vending Machines
Vancouver's Downtown Eastside neighborhood, long hampered by poverty and substance abuse, now has vending machines that sell crack pipes for cheap. They were installed six months ago by local non-profit Portland Hotel Society. One is located at the …
Read more on The Atlantic… Continue reading
Legalized Impairment and What Employers Can Do About It
Legalized Impairment and What Employers Can Do About It
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) claims that "marijuana use more than doubles a driver's risk of being in an accident" and that "the combination of marijuana and alcohol is worse than either substance alone with respect to driving impairment… Continue reading
COCAINE Questions?
Question by Elena: COCAINE questions?
please give me some information about the following;
Population(s) most at risk/age/race/sex that use cocaine?
Effect on unborn child when mom uses cocaine?
And cocaines cost to society?
thank you!
Best answer:
Answer by wcanoodle
here are some links where you might find statistics on… Continue reading
EDIT: Heroin in Pop Culture
EDIT: Heroin in pop culture
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, between 1995 and 2002, the number of teenagers in America who used heroin increased by 300 percent. In 2011, 4.2 million American teenagers said they have used heroin at some point in their lives.
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The Model Diaries: Casting Hijabs
The Model Diaries: Casting Hijabs
As a model, you are physically scrutinized constantly. The criticism often goes beyond … For example, your arms are a completely different physical subject than your legs. Your nose is a part of your …… To make matters worse, their search and …
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Cocaine’s Efffect????
Question by Alessandra: cocaine’s efffect????
does cocaine make u lose weight and wats the risks of it and wats the benefits of using it
Best answer:
Answer by kingajs2010
well if your smart there is no benefits of it unless you wanna be stupid
Answer by heather j… Continue reading