List of Bipolar Disorder Symptoms?
Question by Rebecca: List of Bipolar Disorder symptoms?
I just need a list of the symptoms of having bipolar disorder please. Will be a great help.
Best answer:
Answer by Hannah
Bipolar disorder is characterised by extreme mood swings. The mood swings can range from extreme highs (mania)… Continue reading
What Is Bi-Polar & Symptoms?
Question by juanital_31: what is bi-polar & symptoms?
what is bi-polar and its symptoms etc?
Best answer:
Answer by MsBabyPhat
It is a mental illness, a person experiences highs and lows. One minute they are so happy and love life, the next they can be so depressed. You can go… Continue reading
Signs That Someone Is Using Cocaine?
Question by M: Signs that someone is using cocaine?
What signs indicate that someone (who doesn’t want me to know) has a cocaine habit?
How do these signs differ from cannabis?
Also, I’ve heard cocaine isn’t very addictive.. Is it believable that somebody could really stop using cocaine… Continue reading
Ephedrine Addiction Symptoms?
Question by BlueAngel: Ephedrine addiction symptoms?
I need to know the symptoms and signs of Ephedrine addiction. Please. My daughter is trying to loose weight. She has been taking ephedrine for about 6 months, maybe more. I don’t even know who she is anymore…
Please help me with this…
Best… Continue reading
Crystal Meth Signs?
Question by spoildrotn: crystal meth signs?
would inflammed or redness in the blood vessels inside the nostrils indicate meth use? could this have been from previous damage? i know to look for mood swings and all the other typical signs but with meth its really hard to tell if someone… Continue reading
Whats the Symptoms of Cocaine Use?
Question by lvbl123456: whats the symptoms of cocaine use?
Best answer:
Answer by TOMO
Paranoia, nervous energy, low or no appetite – seemingly endless wakefulness – giddy, mood swings, nervousness and, oh yeah, empty pockets.
Answer by kam
one of my best friends… Continue reading
Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder/manic Depression?
Question by seeingbacknow: symptoms of bipolar disorder/manic depression?
hi my hubby was just told he has bipolar can someone please tell me what the signs are so that I can better understand him.
Best answer:
Answer by lisa1cares
Bipolar disorder causes dramatic mood swings—from overly “high” and/or irritable to sad… Continue reading
Cocaine Abuse and Bipolar Disorder?
Question by J: Cocaine Abuse and Bipolar Disorder?
Just curious as to how cocaine and alcohol abuse affect someone suffering from bipolar disorder. How does it affect their mood? What kinds of behavior do they exhibit? How does it affect their relationships with other people?
Best answer:
Answer by Chris… Continue reading
What Are Some Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder?
Question by andy p: what are some symptoms of bipolar disorder?
Best answer:
Answer by lisa1cares
What Are the Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder?
Bipolar disorder causes dramatic mood swings—from overly “high” and/or irritable to sad and hopeless, and then back again, often with periods of normal mood in between. Severe… Continue reading
When Does Cocaine Usage Cause Paranoia?
Question by 911-119-999: When does cocaine usage cause paranoia?
When someone is using cocaine, how many months of usage would it take for him/her to be mentally affected?
For example:
Paranoia on a regular base
Best answer:
I hope this aswers your question,
Side Effects… Continue reading