Bipolar Disorder?
Question by Eye of the Beholder…: bipolar disorder?
what are some signs of being bipolar?
Best answer:
Answer by Louise
Some signs include moodiness, sudden violent outrages, phatigue, vomitting, depression, and thoughts of suicide.
If you don’t believe me, check out Kaiser
Answer by my_swag_is_unique
well if its a… Continue reading
How Can You Tell if Someone Does Heavy Drugs Like Cocaine or Heroin?
Question by Patrick: How can you tell if someone does heavy drugs like cocaine or heroin?
Best answer:
Answer by Faisal
There are many signs, both physical and behavioral, that indicate drug use. Each drug has its own unique manifestations but there are some general indications that a person is… Continue reading
Bipolar Symptoms?
Question by Mandie: bipolar symptoms?
Best answer:
Answer by Ade
Euphoric mood
Feeling “high”, excessively optimistic, better than ever.
Extreme irritability
Feeling irritable or angry; Behavior that is aggressive, provocative, or intrusive.
Decreased need for sleep
Feeling rested after just a few hours of sleep.
More talkative than usual
Extremely… Continue reading
What Is Bipolar?
Question by Shelby C: What is bipolar?
What is bipolar? I know that it has to do with your mood, but what are some examples of how Bipolar people would act? What are the effects of being Bipolar? Basically I am just asking about Bipolar. Someone I know always jokes… Continue reading
Babies Born Addicted to Drugs ?
Question by Anastasia Eagle: Babies born addicted to drugs ?
I was watching TV and I saw a boy who was nine years old that was born addicted to cocaine . I was wondering how long the withdrawal symptoms for babies born addicted to cocaine and other drugs generally lasted… Continue reading
Recovering From Cocaine Addiction?
Question by tickleme27mj: Recovering from cocaine addiction?
My boyfriend is trying to stop using powder cocaine after years of use. I need to know what to expect from him. I have heard that I should expect mood swings, but what other things? Is there physical symtoms, too? He is complaining… Continue reading
What Are the Signs of Bipolar Disorder?
Question by ladyess01: what are the signs of bipolar disorder?
Best answer:
Answer by kissesandhugs36
sudden mood swings, fits of sever or moderate anger, depression, can’t concentrate, very over emotional, sorry when they have a fit and don’t remember what happend…it is a serious disorder, but can be easily treated… Continue reading
What Causes Cocaine/alch Addicts to Lash Out?
Question by dior_84: what causes cocaine/alch addicts to lash out?
Has anyone expierienced being in a relationship with a cocaine addict who treats them well one minute then hates them the next? Why do they get so hot and cold?
Thanks :)
Best answer:
Answer by Sean
I… Continue reading
Is This Signs of Being Bipolar?
Question by cupcakekissesxoxo: is this signs of being bipolar?
im happy one seconde then im totally depressed , i get mood swings and i just want to cry and yell then i can go to being happy ? I Feel Anxcious and then i feel so angry… Continue reading
Bipolar Medications?
Question by dover8011: bipolar medications?
does anyone no what are some of the names of meds used to treat someone who is bipolar. also what are some indications of someone who is bipolar. i think my new girlfriend might be and she takes medication but im unsure for… Continue reading