What Are the Signs of Bipolar Disorder?
Question by Amy: What are the signs of Bipolar disorder?
My parents really think I have it, since I have rapid mood changes and bad behavior at times. Tell me some signs besides those two?
I also get extremely depressed one day and extremely joyous the next.
Best answer:
Answer… Continue reading
Diet Coke Addict!?
Question by Rinny: Diet Coke Addict!?
Im going crazy. All i drink is diet coke. Now that i have given it up because i realized what it was doing to me im have severe migrines and mood swings. Is this due to the diet coke?? Also i drank… Continue reading
HELP I Always Get With a Bi Polar, Coke Head.?
Question by Straight Cat: HELP I always get with a bi polar, coke head.?
I’m 40 and had 2 kids with 2 bi polar crack heads. One was a hidden crack head prior to our 10 year relationship and the other turned in to one right after we… Continue reading
Cocaine Question??????????????????
Question by MariOn!: cocaine question??????????????????
i’v been with this guy for about 3 weeks now and when we met i didnt kno anything about him or anyone that knows himmm….Iv never been associated with people who are on cocaine or any other addictive drugs of that sort and becuz of… Continue reading
Are These Cocaine Withdrawl Symptoms
Question by norcal530: Are these cocaine withdrawl symptoms
irritibility, mood swings, depression, violent behavior, extreme instant anger for no reason(broke his phone this morning cuz it was taking too long to load),SHORTNESS OF BREATH, confusion? any help is appriciated in advance, and what is the best way to kick the… Continue reading
Public Housing Resident Faces Eviction for Smoking in Belleville Apartment
Public housing resident faces eviction for smoking in Belleville apartment
Brawley said he began smoking when he was 14 and efforts to quit the habit in the past caused withdrawal symptoms, such as chest pains and gaining 30 pounds in weight. … "Nicotine addiction is as addicting as cocaine or… Continue reading
What Are Some Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder?
Question by andy p: What are some symptoms of bipolar disorder?
Best answer:
Answer by lisa1cares
Bipolar disorder causes dramatic mood swings—from overly “high” and/or irritable to sad and hopeless, and then back again, often with periods of normal mood in between. Severe changes in energy and behavior go along… Continue reading
What Are the Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder??
Question by simple4all: what are the symptoms of bipolar disorder??
Best answer:
Answer by lisa1cares
Bipolar disorder causes dramatic mood swings—from overly “high” and/or irritable to sad and hopeless, and then back again, often with periods of normal mood in between. Severe changes in energy and behavior go along with… Continue reading
UFC Fight Night 38 Drug Test Results Come Back Clean for 'Shogun vs Henderson …
UFC Fight Night 38 drug test results come back clean for 'Shogun vs Henderson …
Having said that, please ignore this link. Results from those battery of tests, which include performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) such as steroids and drugs of abuse like cocaine and marijuana, among others, all returned negative,… Continue reading