Heroin Addiction, Need for Mental Health Services Often Intertwined
Heroin addiction, need for mental health services often intertwined
His fatal February overdose shined a light on shortcomings in long-term addiction plans. (Cory Shaffer, Northeast Ohio … View/Post Comments. CLEVELAND, Ohio — A Cleveland man who ingested a lethal dose of heroin and cocaine in February committed …
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Shooting Unfairly Links Violence With Mental Illness — Again
Shooting Unfairly Links Violence With Mental Illness — Again
But you cannot use that to predict violence in the long term." Army officials said Thursday that Lopez had … "So many factors come to play: interpersonal relationships, difficulty in the workplace, issues at home, career issues and true mental health… Continue reading
Is Cocaine Addiction a Disease?
Question by pumpkin: Is cocaine addiction a disease?
A mental health worker told me that my daughter had this disease and that she could not help herself.OK she knows that they have said this to her,My question is don`t you still have to make a choice,maybe I`m wrong,but in away… Continue reading
Professor EBM: Management of Moderate Alcohol Withdrawal
Professor EBM: Management of Moderate Alcohol Withdrawal — Professor EBM: Management of Moderate Alcohol Withdrawal Professor EBM: Management of Moderate Alcohol Withdrawal An interactive, small group teaching sessio…
Ending it all by their own hand: Corps probes Marine suicides
Mentors use these meetings to look for six signs of trouble:… Continue reading
Is Cocaine Dangerous for Someone With Bipolar Disorder?
Question by : is cocaine dangerous for someone with Bipolar Disorder?
My best friend Ashley was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder in June last year and In october last year she didnt take her meds for 5 days or so and she went to a party and got drunk , took… Continue reading
'The Biggest Epidemic'
'The biggest epidemic'
While experts know how to handle alcohol and cocaine addictions, the heroin epidemic is something that has taxed the substance abuse system, said Dr. Jill Gomez, substance abuse director for Mental Health Recovery Services of Warren & Clinton Counties …
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Took Cocaine 24 Hours Ago. Worried About Current Symptons.?
Question by push: Took cocaine 24 hours ago. Worried about current symptons.?
Finding it hard to sleep 24 hours after usage due to headache and something going on inside my stomach.
Neither my head nor stomach are particularly painful but whenever i try and sleep (i have been trying to… Continue reading
I Think My Friend Is Abusing Drugs?
Question by lilbit: I think my friend is abusing drugs?
I think my friend is abusing cocaine, but not too sure, she is acting very hyperactive. how can I tell what symptoms do the users show? is it addicting, how does it make a person feel?
Best answer:
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A Stillborn Child, a Charge of Murder, and the Disputed Case Law on 'Fetal Harm'
A Stillborn Child, a Charge of Murder, and the Disputed Case Law on 'Fetal Harm'
A New Jersey woman who refused to sign a pre-authorization for a cesarean section didn't end up needing the operation, yet was charged with child endangerment and lost custody of her baby. Prosecutors argue that… Continue reading
What Are Symptoms of a “Crack Baby” as It Gets Older?
Question by Lori Simmons: What are symptoms of a “crack baby” as it gets older?
im mostly questioning how the person would be around the age of 17. What kind of health defects may they have, or be in high risk of?
also, what about while the person is in… Continue reading