illegal drug

Cocaine Has Become Sydney’s Drug of Choice With Drug Dealers Reaping Up to $35,000 a Week From Users

Cocaine has become Sydney’s drug of choice with drug dealers reaping up to ,000 a week from users
View Cocaine use by suburb: 2004 vs 2013 in a full screen map In the year to September 2013 … Manly had 32 in 2013, a jump from four in 2004. Outside… Continue reading

The World's Largest Prison System May Finally Be Starting to Shrink: Report

The World's Largest Prison System May Finally Be Starting To Shrink: Report
Americans have the <a href="">highest rate of illegal drug consumption in the world</a>, according to the National Survey on Drug Use and …
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Laredo Drug Rehab Announces New Video on Updated Substance Abuse …… Continue reading

How to Use a 12 Panel Drug Test

How to use a 12 Panel Drug Test — How to use a 12 panel drug test and read the drug screen results. The 12 panel test is the most popular test we carry at…

Drugtesting dilemma
Drug tests in school do little to deter marijuana use… Continue reading

On Politician Drug Use, Americans Say Marijuana Is OK, but Cocaine Is Not

On Politician Drug Use, Americans Say Marijuana is OK, but Cocaine is Not
The public's lack of tolerance for cocaine use by their elected officials cuts across party lines but partisan differences emerge when the drug in question is marijuana. Majorities of Democrats (58 percent) and independents (54 percent)… Continue reading

Why Are the Most Conducive Drug Treatment Centers in the United States Situated in Florida?

Question by lourdes r: Why are the most conducive drug treatment centers in the United States situated in Florida?
I’ve heard a lot about the drug treatment centers in Florida. Apparently, some are the best in the country. This just piqued my curiosity. Why in Florida, of all… Continue reading

A Drug That Fights Cocaine Addiction? 1.4 Million Americans Could Use One

A Drug That Fights Cocaine Addiction? 1.4 Million Americans Could Use One
When PARP-1 is increased its PAR marks at the "genes in the nucleus accumbens" increase as well which can lead to cocaine addiction. This study is the first linking PARP-1 to cocaine addiction, but it has been… Continue reading

Is There Any Link Between Cocaine Use and Diabetes?

Question by doubledown08: is there any link between cocaine use and diabetes?
I’ve heard from a few people that prolonged cocaine use can cause diabetes, any truth to this?

Best answer:

Answer by formerly_bob
No – there is no mechanism where cocaine could… Continue reading

Sewage Testing Pinpoints Drug Use in Communities

Sewage testing pinpoints drug use in communities
Scientists, increasingly able to detect minuscule amounts of compounds, have begun to test sewage to gauge communities' use of illegal drugs. When people take drugs, the substances are either unchanged or the body turns them into metabolites before …

Researchers Outline New Potential Treatment for Cocaine Addiction

Researchers Outline New Potential Treatment for Cocaine Addiction
Illegal drugs and cigarettes are extremely deadly and addictive. People who suffer from these addictions get help from rehabilitation programs. Unfortunately, these programs do not work for everyone. In a new study, researchers from the Icahn School of …
Read more on Counsel… Continue reading

Cocaine and the Brain


Cocaine and the brain


Toronto Mayor Stripped of Power Vows to Ride Out Crack Admission

Filed under: signs of crack cocaine use

He's not going anywhere, even after he admitted smoking crack cocaine and staff members told police he guzzled vodka in his car and brought suspected… Continue reading