Heroin Is So Easy To Abuse, And Yet Overdoses Could So Easily Be Prevented
Everything about Philip Seymour Hoffman's death from an apparent heroin overdose this past weekend is tragic and horrible. But unfortunately, stories like his are increasingly common in America today.… Continue reading
Debate | Should Drugs Be Legalised?
Debate | Should drugs be legalised?
Since President Nixon declared drug abuse “public enemy number one”, millions of Americans have had their lives ruined by this expensive, illogical, racist, and often corrupt war on drugs. … In practice, drug laws are racist. Studies show that in …
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Cocaine Addiction Has Possible Cure
Cocaine Addiction has Possible Cure — A medicine used to treat migraines and epilepsy could be the solution to curb a cocaine addiction.
Man Charged With Narcotics Possession After Heroin Overdose
He was transported to Kent Hospital for treatment and detox. Police found a syringe, a glass smoking pipe, and… Continue reading
Rick Marvin – InterventionINK
Rick Marvin – InterventionINK — More than just a sobriety date On July 7th 2005 I had 60 days clean. I got that way as a result of an intervention on May 8th 2005 by my sons therapist at a …
Drug prohibition fuels society's ills
Could it be that… Continue reading
Competitive Consequences: Treatment for Athletes With Addictions
Competitive Consequences: Treatment for athletes with addictions
Bradley is certified in working with dual diagnoses involving substance abuse and mental health issues, as well as Professional Compulsive Gambling Counselor and is nationally certified to work in Illinois as well as other states. Professional sports …
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Former Easton Woman Whose Son Died of Heroin Overdose Looks to Save Others …
Former Easton woman whose son died of heroin overdose looks to save others …
Medical records show that the day he died Anthony Gilmore was high on heroin and cocaine and he had been given the drug Narcan, used to combat the effects of a drug overdose. "I think a… Continue reading
Deaths From Heroin in New London, Norwich Doubled in 2013
Deaths from heroin in New London, Norwich doubled in 2013
The number of people who died from heroin overdoses in New London and Norwich doubled last year, a jolting statistic that local hospital and substance abuse treatment officials attribute to what appears to be a rise in heroin use. At… Continue reading
Sex, Violence and Movie Certification
Sex, violence and movie certification
From its inception, cinema has provoked fears about debasement and corruption of its audiences, especially in terms of the way language is used. It is no coincidence that the term “dumbing down” was coined to describe the effects of Hollywood all the …
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Fatal Overdoses Associated With Fentanyl Up in RI
Fatal overdoses associated with fentanyl up in RI
They call for wider training at behavioral health facilities on overdose treatment, including the administration of the drug naloxone, which is used to reverse the effects of a heroin overdose. The new rules require the facilities to offer patients …
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