Cocaine Addiction!!?
Question by lluvia2wcc: Cocaine addiction!!?
has anybody here ever been on hook on coke or knows anybody that has? If yes please tell me if somebody has been able to get out of it on their own or if help was needed? I just found out that a person… Continue reading
How Does Cocaine Effect a Person Mentally, Physically, and Emotionally?
Question by Felicity: How does cocaine effect a person mentally, physically, and emotionally?
Best answer:
Answer by NoLoveYoungThug
Cocaine Makes You Crazy.
Mentally: You Lose All Fear But You Loose Your Intelligence.
Physically: Numb And Also If Your An “Addict” Or Just Do It Often You Loose Weight.
Emotionally:… Continue reading
Is Adderall Really an Addictive Med?
Question by countdown: is adderall really an addictive med?
ive been diagnosed with adhd and was prescribed adderall. but ive never been the type to take medicine (nor do i smoke, drink or do any drugs) so i dont want to start taking meds if its going to be… Continue reading
Journey Healing Centers Sobriety for Life!
Journey Healing Centers Sobriety for Life! – JHC offers successful treatment for drug and alcohol addiction.
Microsoft, FBI hunt down cybercrime ring terrorizing the web
Filed under: rehab for cocaine
In a coordinated operation, federal authorities, the Microsoft “Digital Crimes Unit” and several other organizations have launched a… Continue reading
How to Convince My Mom to Let Me Smoke Weed?
Question by sashtaghwag: How to convince my mom to let me smoke weed?
I really want to be able to get my moms approval for smoking weed, it mellows me out and reduces my back and knee pain from previous incidents. Some of my friends parents are cool with… Continue reading
Bradford Health Services – Heroin.mp4
Bradford Health Services – Heroin.mp4 – For immediate help call Bradford Health Services 888.577.0012 Twitter Facebook Pintere…
Basketball Pro Shares His Inspiring Story of Breaking Free From Heroin Addiction
Filed under: cocaine addiction treatment centers
“Passages remains a natural choice for professional athletes seeking alternative addiction… Continue reading
Heroin Addiction Treatment
Heroin Addiction Treatment – If you or a loved one are trying to conquer an addiction then look no further tha…
Greenville Police, Doctors, Counselors: Prescription Pill Abuse Skyrocketing …
Filed under: cocaine addiction treatment centers
Greenville police say heroin is replacing crack and cocaine as the… Continue reading
How Easy Is It to Obtain a Prescription for Methadone?
Question by TheseBlueEyesWillBreakYourHeart: How easy is it to obtain a prescription for Methadone?
I am not asking so that I can get some…
Someone dear to me has just passed away. He was a cocaine addict and experienced a lot of back pain. After he died I found out… Continue reading
Are You Addicted to the Most Addictive Substance?
Are you addicted to the most addictive substance? – Are you addicted to the most addictive substance?, Addicitons are tough, are you addicted to this substance, and is it destroying your body? Welcome back I hope you had a Merry Christmas and a happy new year, I am… Continue reading
WEEK IN WEEK OUT MEPHEDRONE DRUGS AND ALCOHOL RECOVERY WALES & UNITED KINGDOM – CHOOSELIFE WALES…WEEK IN WEEK OUT GETTING HIGH IN WALES A year after the ‘legal high’ Mephedrone was banned, Week In Week Out goes undercover to investigate the other party drugs on sale on the high… Continue reading