President Obama Commutes Crack Cocaine Sentences
President Obama Commutes Crack Cocaine Sentences
“While street drugs like crack cocaine are clearly unsafe, for nonviolent offenders, treatment should always be considered an option,” said Pax Prentiss, CEO of Passages Addiction Treatment Centers. “Our treatment team has helped thousands of …
Psychiatrists embrace… Continue reading
Heroin Addiction Treatment – the BEST Treatment for Addiction
Heroin Addiction Treatment – The BEST Treatment For Addiction — Heroin Addiction Treatment Heroin Addiction Treatment Centers Heroin Addiction Treatment Statistics Heroin Addic…
Caffeine Use Disorder: It's real, and it warrants more attention
Meredith also cautions against the dangers of caffeine intoxication, "characterized by various symptoms, including nervousness, insomnia,… Continue reading
Heroin Addiction Is Up, People Are Dying: Why Is a Drug That Could Cure It …
Heroin addiction is up, people are dying: Why is a drug that could cure it …
This psychoactive stimulant is produced from the African Iboga shrub and is believed to possess anti-addictive features that not only helps in reducing the signs of chemical dependency but also eliminates excessive withdrawal symptoms… Continue reading
Heroin Addiction Strikes High and Low, and the Socially Disadvantaged 'Junkies …
Heroin addiction strikes high and low, and the socially disadvantaged 'junkies …
For many that relationship becomes all-consuming with a range of harmful consequences, including impact on family, friends and colleagues, none of which deter continued use. Not everyone chooses the same drug. People tend to be attracted to one… Continue reading
Is There Any Medication for Crack Cocaine Addiction to Stop the Cravings ?
Question by blimp: is there any medication for crack cocaine addiction to stop the cravings ?
Best answer:
Answer by bluecai22
If a person is an addict, a doctor can use bupropion or imipramine for the cocaine-induced cravings. To prevent future highs, a person would be put on… Continue reading
Was Cocaine Ever Marketed as a Medication?
Question by alannah i: Was cocaine ever marketed as a medication?
I do know that heroin addiction came about because they thought it was a treatment for morphine addiction. I was just wondering whether the same is true in the case of cocaine– if its proliferation started out… Continue reading
Times in-Depth: Heroin's Deadly Return to Erie
Times In-Depth: Heroin's deadly return to Erie
The department in its most recent annual report said the number of people in Pennsylvania who had received a specific treatment for heroin addiction — detoxification using a drug called Buprenorphine — increased to 780 in 2010-2011 from nearly 500 in …
Read… Continue reading
What Are the Effects of Heroin and Cocaine Addiction?
Question by Lottie Wressell: What are the effects of heroin and cocaine addiction?
And what are the withdrawal symptoms?
Best answer:
Answer by 4NICK8;_ylt=Akh0yzcvrzJqPL51aM5l7c0v53NG;_ylv=3?qid=20110923092027AAGQDPS
I just answered a question similar to this. Please check that out. If you need more, feel free to email.
Answer by Darby Crash
Im… Continue reading
Help With Loving a Addict..?
Question by nyki: help with loving a addict..?
My boyfriend, of 5 yrs and The father to my daughter is addicted to Heroin! I am on a emotional roller coaster with this and am ready for a breakdown! He has been using “on and off” for a little over… Continue reading
Wondering if I Have Bipolar II Disorder?
Question by tippycanoe: wondering if i have bipolar II disorder?
I’ve had a hypomanic state. I know this because I’ve never felt anything like it before. But the thing is I don’t know if its because I’m bipolar or because I did a lot of coke a couple months… Continue reading