Heroin, Cocaine-Related Deaths Up in Connecticut
Heroin, cocaine-related deaths up in Connecticut
In Connecticut, heroin addiction ranks second behind alcohol as the reason people seek treatment, the Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services says. The agency reports 10,183 people were admitted for treatment for heroin last year …
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'Co-occurring disorder'… Continue reading
Sequim Can't Kick Narcotics Addiction
Sequim can't kick narcotics addiction
While these cases are not connected directly, they are the most recent public examples of Sequim and Clallam County's continuing use and distribution of narcotics like meth, cocaine and heroin. “On a national level, this is a societal ill,” said Sequim …
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Am I Actually a Cocaine Addict?
Question by Miguel: Am I actually a cocaine addict?
I am a 19-year old guy, and I just started college a little while ago.
I have a chemistry class with someone who sells cocaine. I’ve been snorting in for the last couple of weeks, and I love the feelings it… Continue reading
Is Cocaine That Physically Harmful?
Question by brian: Is cocaine that physically harmful?
I have done cocaine for years no side affects That I know of I know I should stop but it’s fun to do a bump on the weekends how harmful is it to my body. I eat healthy workout daily… Continue reading
Defendant in Murder Trial: 'I Was Shocked, Scared, Nervous' on Night of …
Defendant in murder trial: 'I was shocked, scared, nervous' on night of …
Her purpose for calling 911 that evening, English said, was to get help. Earlier that day, there was a party at the … But later that night, after a day of drinking and drug use, everyone left… Continue reading
Carlos Ruiz Allegedly Stole Sound System, Then Came Back for Remote
Carlos Ruiz Allegedly Stole Sound System, Then Came Back For Remote
According to police, Ruiz was committing the crimes to fuel his heroin addiction. Ruiz faces an additional burglary charge in connection with a Feb. 7 burglary in Cherry … accused</a> of running naked around a Florida apartment complex in… Continue reading
Diet Coke Withdrawals!
Diet Coke Withdrawals! —
Metro Atlanta sees uptick in heroin addiction
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, many opiate abusers who can no longer afford to buy pain medication turn to heroin to feed their addiction and avoid dreadful withdrawal symptoms which include nausea, vomiting… Continue reading
From ColumbusAlive.com
From ColumbusAlive.com
John Eklund, R-Chardon, said that nicotine is as addictive as cocaine and heroin. He said Ohio also is seeing an alarming trend of people using the e-cigarette devices to deliver other dangerous drugs. Sen. Charleta B. Tavares, D-Columbus, voted for …
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Philip Seymour Hoffman's Demons Revealed in Diaries
Philip Seymour Hoffman's Demons Revealed in Diaries
Hoffman penned his experiences with drug deals, and even while in rehab for his admitted heroin addiction. NBC reports that the hand-written entries make reference to drug deals, to the actor's struggle with his “demons,” and his Narcotics Anonymous …
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World Drug Addiction Statistics?
Question by Max: World Drug Addiction Statistics?
I was extremely curious if anyone has a chart or something saying what percentage of the population are drug/alcohol addicts split up country to country. It seems like the rate is very high in the United States meaning that just being… Continue reading