Difference Between Speed and Gas? (The Drug)?
Question by : Difference between speed and gas? (the drug)?
What is the difference between speed and gas?
Best answer:
Answer by Laredo
“Speed” is an amphetamine or a psycho-stimulant drug that produces increased wakefulness, restlessness, hallucinations, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure and symptoms similar to cocaine.
“Gas” is… Continue reading
Cocaine Abuse: Causes and Effects of Youth Cocaine Abuse
One of the biggest problems professionals have to encounter when dealing with drug abuse patients is the phenomenon of youth cocaine addicts. Parents, grandparents, school teachers, and family friends, are actually the most intimate group of people whose sphere of attention a kid or a teenager has to… Continue reading
Panic Attacks/marijuana?
Question by xpinchependejochinod: panic attacks/marijuana?
i’m sick of all these anixiety attacks. i was a former marijuana user on and off for about a year. i quit on january 14th and three days later the marijuana withdrawals hit me. i had panic attacks and have been going through hell.… Continue reading
Cocaine Use in the United States: About Cocaine
The lore of cocaine is long and storied. In the late nineteenth century it was used for medicinal purposes – as a stimulant of the central nervous system, people took products laced with cocaine to aid headaches, boost energy, and suppress the appetite. Doctors and dentists used cocaine as a… Continue reading
Long Term Effects of Cocaine Use: Effects of a Cocaine Addiction
Cocaine addiction is a serious problem that can cause short term and long term adverse, even irreversible effects on the body. The powerfully addictive stimulant affects the entire body, from the brain, the heart, lungs, and the entire central nervous system. Whether it’s snorted in powder form or smoked in… Continue reading
Cocaine Addiction Treatments: Cocaine Addiction Treatment – on the Spotlight
Leaves of coca plants are utilized to produce the drug Cocaine, a substance which stimulates the central nervous system and suppresses ones appetite. Due to countless cases of addiction and dependence of individuals on the drug, many countries have prohibited and banned the possession, cultivation, and distribution of the drug.… Continue reading
Crack Abuse: Know About Crack Cocaine
Crack cocaine, often called as ‘Crack’, is a smokable form of Cocaine and processed by mixing Cocaine powder with baking soda or ammonia and water and then heating the mixture till crystals or rocks are formed. Crack cocaine is abused as a person experiences a sudden… Continue reading
Treatment of Cocaine Addiction: Cocaine – Facts About a Highly Addictive Drug, Life Threatening Side Effects and Recovery Challenges
Cocaine comes from the coca plant and has been used by the natives of South America for over a thousand years. This plant, erythroxylon coca, is common to many parts of South America. Cocaine use is common in much of the world and has been for centuries. Coca leaves were… Continue reading
How to Tell if Someone Is Addicted to Drugs (Pain Killers, Cocaine, and Nerve Pills)?
Question by ??’? ??? g??? ???? ??? ??z??: How to tell if someone is addicted to drugs (Pain Killers, Cocaine, and Nerve Pills)?
What are the “symptoms” of an addict? I’m not asking how to tell if someone is using them. It’s obvious that the person snorts them daily.… Continue reading
Cocaine Rehab Center: Cocaine Addiction Symptoms and Signs
This notorious white powder that cocaine is, has its origins in leaves derived from the South American coca plant. Leaves that were being freely used by the Mayans for their stimulating qualities became known to Europe following Spain’s conquest of that continent.
Described as a stimulant, cocaine can be ingested… Continue reading