heart rate

What Are the Specific Signs of Cocaine Withdrawal(heart Rate Ect)?

...  by murmurer: what are the specific signs of cocaine withdrawal(heart rate ect)? Best answer: Answer by LuluskaHow specific do you want them to be? Heart rate is pretty individual, you know. Anyway, I’m sure all drug withdrawal symptoms are just awful but if you read the articles (links… Continue reading

Has Anyone Experienced/seen a Cocaine Overdose?

...  by gucciandlouis: Has anyone experienced/seen a cocaine overdose? What are the signs or sypmtoms?This is a serious question/serious answers please. Thank you. Best answer: Answer by KnickzCocaine is a stimulant (coffee to the nth level), so what you’d usually see is a “overstimulated” guy: senses systems all up. Its… Continue reading

Cocaine’s Efffect????

...  of use and are dependent upon the duration of time and amount of cocaine that has been consumed. Short-term cocaine effects are noticeable immediately and although they are not always damaging, in some cases they have caused serious bodily damage and death. Deaths related to cocaine effects are often… Continue reading

What Are the Bad Effects of Tobacco, Cocaine, Drugs?

...  by carmeLa: what are the bad effects of tobacco, cocaine, drugs? please answer co’z i need it for my health subject tobacco cocaine drugs Best answer: Answer by RyanAcute Cocaine is a potent central nervous system stimulant. Its effects can last from 20 minutes to several hours, depending upon… Continue reading

What Can You Tell Me About Cocaine Addiction?

...  of use and are dependent upon the duration of time and amount of cocaine that has been consumed. Short-term cocaine effects are noticeable immediately and although they are not always damaging, in some cases they have caused serious bodily damage and death. Deaths related to cocaine effects are often… Continue reading

How Does the Drug Cocaine Make You Feel?

...  story. My main character has gotten herself hooked on cocaine and blah blah blah. Instead of reading what the long term effects are for cocaine (which is all I can seem to find) i want to know what it makes you feel right in the moment. Anybody know? Best… Continue reading

How to Deal With Depression?

...  to. I stay in a lot because my friends don’t ever go out and i don’t like going out on my own it makes me feel lonely. Best answer: Answer by Ray-eI understand depression. If you can’t go to the doctor right now, you have a few natural options… Continue reading

Cocaine Isn’t Addictive to Everyone?

...  now I am comming off of Cocaine. I have done it on average of twice a year in the last 6 years I am 24. I have never felt addicted to the drug. I usually dont really want to do it and between each line I don’t really crave… Continue reading

Natural Remedies for Brain Damage After Drug Abuse?

...  by Liza Shevchuk: Natural Remedies For Brain Damage After Drug Abuse? My older brother has done many drugs from about 16-21. Its been a year since his last use, and he’s been having some serious problems. He has high anxiety and he’s been having frequent episodes of “weird” (as… Continue reading

24hr Drug Hotline 1-877-233-9444.avi

...  drug hotline 1-877-233-9444.avi – 24hr Drug Hotline brought to you by 24Hr Rehab.   RUH ROH: 'Synthetic Narcotics' Popular with Some Hi Desert Military Personnel … Filed under: cocaine addiction hotline Effects of bath salt use can be similar to adverse effects of cocaine, LSD and methamphetamine, including increased… Continue reading