Time Verus Chronic Cocaine Addict?
Question by davignon_x: time verus chronic cocaine addict?
How long could a chronic cocaine addict survive? What are some factors that can affect this, how does this differ between a man and a woman?
Thanks, also .. if someone can survive snorting 6 grams of cocaine a day:… Continue reading
Researchers Find Surprising Stroke Risks
Researchers find surprising stroke risks
An assistant professor of medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine explained, "Cocaine use can result in the constriction of blood vessels; increased heart rate, body temperature and blood pressure; and decreased oxygen supply to the …
Read more on Atlanta Journal Constitution… Continue reading
How Can You Tell if Someone if High Off Cocaine?
Question by svetlana: How can you tell if someone if high off cocaine?
In class?
Best answer:
Answer by Sophia
I doubt someone in your class is high on cocaine. Maybe weed. But not cocaine, lol.
Answer by PacCon
igns and symptoms of… Continue reading
Signs That Someone Is Using Cocaine?
Question by M: Signs that someone is using cocaine?
What signs indicate that someone (who doesn’t want me to know) has a cocaine habit?
How do these signs differ from cannabis?
Also, I’ve heard cocaine isn’t very addictive.. Is it believable that somebody could really stop using cocaine… Continue reading
What Are the Dangers/benefits of Cocaine, and How Much Is Too Much?
Question by .: What are the dangers/benefits of cocaine, and how much is too much?
Best answer:
Answer by Mr. Steel
you can never have too much cocaine
Answer by Daniel
I’ve only done it a few times, but here’s what I know about it:
-You don’t eat… Continue reading
Ephedrine Addiction Symptoms?
Question by BlueAngel: Ephedrine addiction symptoms?
I need to know the symptoms and signs of Ephedrine addiction. Please. My daughter is trying to loose weight. She has been taking ephedrine for about 6 months, maybe more. I don’t even know who she is anymore…
Please help me with this…
Best… Continue reading
Any Experts on Cocaine Side Effects???
Question by catholicskoolgrl101: Any experts on Cocaine side effects???
Im not savvy at all when it comes to drugs. I suspect someone close to me is abusing this substance. I believe their family is working in the intervention.
They appear to have all fo the signs and symptoms.… Continue reading
Cocaine..what Does It Do?
Question by akasillybobjr: Cocaine..what does it do?
what does cocaine do to you, side effects highness..etc..
Best answer:
Answer by ?Ava?
speeds up heart rate at a dangerous speed
Answer by *FR3SH*
it kills ppl and makes ppl kill ppl
Could Cannabis Really… Continue reading
Crystal Meth Signs?
Question by spoildrotn: crystal meth signs?
would inflammed or redness in the blood vessels inside the nostrils indicate meth use? could this have been from previous damage? i know to look for mood swings and all the other typical signs but with meth its really hard to tell if someone… Continue reading
Question by reallyjustme15: Cocaine….???
What does coke do to you? My boyfriend wont tell me the effects or all the bad things that will happen to you. Only answer if it is all facts. or from personal experience please.
Best answer:
Answer by Ocean A
Cocaine Effects
Cocaine effects are… Continue reading