Detective: Brandon Daniel 'enthralled' by Mass Killings While in Jail
Detective: Brandon Daniel 'enthralled' by mass killings while in jail
Medical records from University Medical Center Brackenridge showed that Daniel had symptoms he could not fake, he said. Daniel's heart rate went up to around 170 when the average is 60 to 90, he said. He went into respiratory failure… Continue reading
Is My Boyfriend Stressed or Using Cocaine?
Question by SoCALBaby28: Is my boyfriend stressed or using cocaine?
He never seems to eat anymore, left arm and legs are always shaking, he’s pale and losing some weight. I woke up at 3 am to find him pacing back and forth in… Continue reading
Sleeping Pill Overdoses?
Question by iidiIlllsIadhhIccciiijhilllIIIIIIIII((: Sleeping Pill Overdoses?
When one commits suicide using sleeping pills, what actually happens when they take the pills? I’ve heard how it’s “painful”. But how is this painful when you’re ‘sleeping’?
I’m not at all suicide, I can guarantee, I was just confused as to… Continue reading
Sniffing Cocaine Immediate Dangers?
Question by Cameron A: Sniffing cocaine immediate dangers?
I have been using cocaine for about two years now and I don’t do a ton all at once, just a few small bumps here and there periodically throughout the day, like an hour apart at minimum.
I am always paranoid about… Continue reading
I Need to Know Everything I Can About Cocaine Addiction. Such As?
Question by gouda1988: I need to know everything I can about Cocaine addiction. Such as?
How does it feel? Why keep doing it, behaviors before, during, after? Why hurt the people you love? What would you do to get a hit? Is that the most important thing in your life?… Continue reading
What Does a Person Using Cocaine Look Like Under the Influence of the Drug?
Question by : What does a person using cocaine look like under the influence of the drug?
For example, how do they act, behave, feel, and look?
Best answer:
Answer by Cooking a Backup Account
Jittery, sketchy, twitchy. Jaw grinding and nose rubbing/sniffing are a pretty strong sign as well.… Continue reading
If I Try to Smoke Crack What R Some of the Symptoms ?
Question by Brandon H: if i try to smoke crack what r some of the symptoms ?
Best answer:
Answer by X. marK.
Cocaine is both a central nervous system stimulant and a topical anaesthetic. It is found in the leaves of the Erthroxylum coca plant. The traditional method of… Continue reading
Signs and Symptoms of Oxycodone Addiction
Signs and symptoms of oxycodone addiction — Signs and symptoms of oxycodone addiction | Addiction Blog If you manif…
Researchers find surprising stroke risks
An assistant professor of medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine explained, "Cocaine use can result in the constriction of blood vessels; increased… Continue reading
Cocaine Use Spurs Steep, Short-Term Rise in Stroke Risk: Study
Cocaine Use Spurs Steep, Short-Term Rise in Stroke Risk: Study
“Cocaine use can result in the constriction of blood vessels; increased heart rate, body temperature and blood pressure; and decreased oxygen supply to the brain,” said Cheng, who also is a research scientist at the Baltimore Veterans Affairs Medical …… Continue reading