Are There Signs That Someone Used Cocaine Recently?
Question by Ricky Ticky Tabby: Are there signs that someone used cocaine recently?
My friend is recovering from cocaine addiction but relapses ever so ofter. Is there anyway other than a drug test to tell if he’s recently snorted(or taken any other way). Anything such as pupil size,… Continue reading
Can Cocaine Mess Up You Vision ?
Question by TATATA: Can cocaine mess up you vision ?
(eye) vision
Best answer:
Answer by ØL?stW?it?s²™
The short-term effects of cocaine will be noticed right away which can cause serious body damage and in some cases lead to death. They are:
Increased body temperature
Dilated pupils
Constricted… Continue reading
Cocaine Effects on the Body (What Happens When Your High)?
Question by Brittany b: Cocaine effects on the body (what happens when your high)?
What does it do to the body when in use?
Best answer:
Answer by angelbaby
Basically, cocaine overworks your body and brain. It sends the body into overdrive – boosting your heart rate, blood… Continue reading
Cocaine Info?
Question by cocaine info?
i need to know fact about for health can some one help me ??
Best answer:
Answer by Sabrina
Answer by Jacob L
Chemical, medical,
or scientific name:
cocaine hydrochloride
Street names:
There are numerous slang terms for this drug,… Continue reading
What Are the Signs of Overdosing?
Question by ChaoticTemptations: what are the signs of overdosing?
my mom is insane. lets just say that. but what are the signs of her O.D ing? this is what shes doing: stumbling around not knowing what shes doing. wearing her underware and a shirt. her eyes are super wide and… Continue reading
Is Cocaine Worse Than Ecstasy?
Question by Myles: Is cocaine worse than ecstasy?
anybody know?
Best answer:
Answer by Doctor who
I’d have to say cocaine is worse I stopped that shit a long time ago but i am still a big ecstasy fan so i guess im not a good source :P
Answer by… Continue reading
I Need Help With Meds. (Beta Blockers)?
Question by darthurc11: i need help with meds. (beta blockers)?
i am seeing that beta blockers can interfere with the absorption of the dessicated thyroid. do you know of any alternatives such as natural or herbs,or prescriptions that can aid in controlling the rapid heart rate and or blood pressure.… Continue reading
Effects of Cocaine? Please Help?
Question by Akbar C: effects of cocaine? please help?
my friend gave me a back of cocaine a few months back and just now i decided to try and snort a little.
i think i only took like a gram or two, but it feels kinda like burning in my… Continue reading
I Really Want to Know the True Effects of E, Ecstasy, Thizz, Peezys, Etc?
Question by Scott P: I really want to know the true effects of e, ecstasy, thizz, peezys, etc?
seriously i have heard so many different rumors about how it affects your body, brain, etc and i want to know the real truth not some stupid rumor so can… Continue reading
Hat Are the Signs or Steps of Addiction?
Question by Courtney: hat are the signs or steps of addiction?
What are the signs or steps of addiction to cocaine?
Best answer:
Answer by sasu
Hello ,
* Common physical signs include ( but not limited to ) :
– Red , bloodshot eyes .
– Weight… Continue reading