heart attack

What Can You Tell Me About Cocaine Addiction?

Question by Alice in Wonderland: what can you tell me about cocaine addiction?
I guess I grew up fairly sheltered because I know close to nothing about drug addiction. I know that drugs are bad and that they almost always destroy your life in one way or another… Continue reading

How Does the Drug Cocaine Make You Feel?

Question by Indigo: How does the drug cocaine make you feel?
I am a writer and have started a new story. My main character has gotten herself hooked on cocaine and blah blah blah. Instead of reading what the long term effects are for cocaine (which is all I can… Continue reading

Cocaine…..is It Really That Bad?

Question by Blunt: Cocaine…..is it really that bad?
I don’t think so. It made me concentrate alot and i was not all crazy and craap. Its addictive, yes, and expensive after awhile, but i wasn’t doing or wanting to do stupid things. I just couldn’t stop thinking or talking.… Continue reading

Snorting Powder


snorting powder – owwww my nose.


Unintended Consequences

Filed under: cocaine abuse help

The White House continues to support Senate approval and domestic implementation of the multi-national Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), passed by the United Nations General Assembly on April 2nd. U.N. Secretary General Ban … Nearly forty… Continue reading

What Causes a Heart Attack YouTube


What causes a heart attack YouTube


Drug use is found at estate facilities

Filed under: recreational cocaine use

The local centres are used by a wide array of youth groups, from IT clubs to advice services and recreational sport meetings. Ms Dean said: “We work closely with… Continue reading

Environmental Impact of Cocaine


Environmental Impact of Cocaine – Discover the Environmental effect of Cocaine? If you would like to find out more please visit www.drug-aware.com. Traditionally alcohol is the most commonly misused substance, followed by marijuana. Having said that, cocaine is catching up very quickly. That is a disturbing prospect due to… Continue reading

Panic Attacks/marijuana?

Question by xpinchependejochinod: panic attacks/marijuana?
i’m sick of all these anixiety attacks. i was a former marijuana user on and off for about a year. i quit on january 14th and three days later the marijuana withdrawals hit me. i had panic attacks and have been going through hell.… Continue reading

Cocaine and Its Damage to the Environment


Cocaine And Its Damage To The Environment – Discover the Ecological impact of Cocaine? To find out, please visit www.drug-aware.com. Traditionally alcohol is the most commonly misused substance, followed by marijuana. Having said that, cocaine is catching up swiftly. This is a disturbing problem because of the number of… Continue reading

Cocaine Use Stats?

Question by Hunter: Cocaine Use Stats?
Is there any SCIENTIFIC information out there on the percentage of cocaine users who turn into cocaine abusers?

By “abusers” I mean using the drug in excess to where it interferes with daily functioning (job, family, etc.), because I know that there are… Continue reading

How Does Cocaine Effects the Different Parts of the Brain?

Question by pingping: how does cocaine effects the different parts of the brain?
what is dopamine? how does cocaine effects the different parts of the brain?

Best answer:

Answer by amie r
The most extensively studied effect of cocaine on the central nervous system is the blockage of the… Continue reading