Prescription Painkillers Seen as Gateway to Heroin
Prescription painkillers seen as gateway to heroin
A mother who was a former cocaine and heroin addict tells us how drugs can take over your life. Cary Acevedo fought a … She says the withdrawal symptoms can be extremely severe, a feeling that you need the drug at that very… Continue reading
David Crosby Averts Heart Attack With Emergency Surgery, Postpones Concert …
David Crosby Averts Heart Attack With Emergency Surgery, Postpones Concert …
Beloved folk rocker David Crosby, 72, underwent emergency heart surgery Friday to correct a blocked artery, and though he's expected to make a full recovery he has had to postpone tour dates he had scheduled in San Francisco and… Continue reading
If I Try to Smoke Crack What R Some of the Symptoms ?
Question by Brandon H: if i try to smoke crack what r some of the symptoms ?
Best answer:
Answer by X. marK.
Cocaine is both a central nervous system stimulant and a topical anaesthetic. It is found in the leaves of the Erthroxylum coca plant. The traditional method of… Continue reading
Man Claims Mother's Ill Health Drove Him to Import Cocaine
Man claims mother's ill health drove him to import cocaine
The magistrate adopted this starting point, observing that the effects of cocaine importation on society are corrosive and far-reaching. Sentences must be severe to denounce this type of crime and deter like-minded individuals, he said. From the 15 …
Read… Continue reading
Time Verus Chronic Cocaine Addict?
Question by davignon_x: time verus chronic cocaine addict?
How long could a chronic cocaine addict survive? What are some factors that can affect this, how does this differ between a man and a woman?
Thanks, also .. if someone can survive snorting 6 grams of cocaine a day:… Continue reading
I Question 4 an X Cocaine Addict?
Question by GoldieLocks: I question 4 an X cocaine addict?
After a almost two years of being clean my X husband still blames me for his cocaine addiction, please read the following emails we were auguring about child support and it came to this:
HIM: Ohhhh, your such the victim… Continue reading
What Happens When Someone Overdoses on Cocaine?
Question by : what happens when someone overdoses on cocaine?
I’ve only smoke weed, but I do NOT plan on EVER using anything else, especially something like coke. but today, our school had an anti-drug presentation and this woman talked about overdosing. I’m just curious: a) what happens inside your… Continue reading
What Effects Does Long Term Cocaine Use Have on Itp?
Question by staci j: what effects does long term cocaine use have on itp?
first my brother was diagnosed with raynards disease (form of lupus) and i know he’s been using cocaine for some time and know he just suffered a severe nose bleed and wads admitted to… Continue reading
What Are the Dangers/benefits of Cocaine, and How Much Is Too Much?
Question by .: What are the dangers/benefits of cocaine, and how much is too much?
Best answer:
Answer by Mr. Steel
you can never have too much cocaine
Answer by Daniel
I’ve only done it a few times, but here’s what I know about it:
-You don’t eat… Continue reading
Lawsuit Keeps Veteran Housing Project Alive
Lawsuit keeps veteran housing project alive
Wilson, who served in the Navy from 1966 to 1972, suffered a heart attack in 2005 and has been off cocaine 20 years, but said he still struggles with alcohol. He has been prescribed 20 different medications for pain and depression. He said he… Continue reading