What Happens in an Overdose?
Question by abstraktfists: What happens in an overdose?
My cousin and best friend passed away yesterday from an overdose so serious answers only here please.
He overdosed from shooting up coke and possibly meth. What happens to the body and what would he have experienced? I don’t know a lot… Continue reading
Can Cocaine Use Raise Blood Pressure Permanently?
Question by buford blue: Can cocaine use raise blood pressure permanently?
Best answer:
Answer by Brian
Long term cocaine effects are noticeable as cocaine abuse continues and tolerance builds. Since cocaine is a highly addictive drug, it can lead to major medical complications and health problems. Some of… Continue reading
Can Cocaine Mess Up You Vision ?
Question by TATATA: Can cocaine mess up you vision ?
(eye) vision
Best answer:
Answer by ØL?stW?it?s²™
The short-term effects of cocaine will be noticed right away which can cause serious body damage and in some cases lead to death. They are:
Increased body temperature
Dilated pupils
Constricted… Continue reading
Is Recreational Use of Cocaine Really That Harmful?
Question by AnthonyPaul: Is recreational use of cocaine really that harmful?
Some friends and I have partied on and off for many years with the occasional bump in the club restroom or the line on the coffee table. I know this is an illegal drug and it’s probably not the… Continue reading
Report Released on Mass. Crime Lab Tech Who Faked Drug Tests
Report released on Mass. crime lab tech who faked drug tests
A review by the state's Inspector General found that there had been warning signs throughout Dookhan's tenure at the Boston lab, which is now closed. In her first two years on the job, she tested more than 8,000 samples… Continue reading
Cocaine Addiction Problem?
Question by siemprefieladw: Cocaine addiction problem?
Hi, My girlfriend used to use cocaine the one you use the nose, she promise me that she will never do it again, yesterday, she suddenly told me that she needed to go to a friends house, i told her i will… Continue reading
Family of Carjacking Suspect Says She Has a Troubled Past
Family of carjacking suspect says she has a troubled past
Hicks' grandfather disagrees with the murder charge. “She did not kill the guy," Dennis Zimmerman said. "The police officer killed him.” Family members said she has a history of drug use, but they never imagined she'd be caught up in… Continue reading
What Does Cocaine Do to You?
Question by Sandy: What does cocaine do to you?
My crush does cocaine and I’m really worried about him and not just because he’s my crush but because he’s a person and junior in hs with a whole life ahead of him. He… Continue reading
Cocaine Info?
Question by a.star: cocaine info?
i need to know fact about for health can some one help me ??
Best answer:
Answer by Sabrina
Answer by Jacob L
Chemical, medical,
or scientific name:
cocaine hydrochloride
Street names:
There are numerous slang terms for this drug,… Continue reading
What Are the Negative Effects of Cocaine?
Question by marisa420love: What are the negative effects of Cocaine?
what are the perks of it (like what kind of high does it give you)?
and what are the negatives?
Best answer:
Answer by Bob
positives none negatives i could kill you
Answer by… Continue reading